Anaerobic bacteria

Probably, no one is surprised by the information that bacteria live in any organism. Everybody knows perfectly well that this neighborhood can be safe for the time being. This also applies to anaerobic bacteria. They live and as slowly as possible multiply in the body, waiting for the moment when it would be possible to inflict an attack.

Infections caused by anaerobic bacteria

From most other microorganisms, anaerobic bacteria are endemic. They are able to survive where other bacteria do not last a few minutes - in an oxygen-free environment. Moreover, with long contact with clean air, these microorganisms perish.

Simply put, anaerobic bacteria have found a unique loophole for themselves - they settle in deep wounds and dying tissues, where the level of body protection is minimal. Thus, microorganisms are able to develop unhindered.

All kinds of anaerobic bacteria can be conditionally divided into pathogenic and conditionally pathogenic. Among the microorganisms that present a real threat to the organism are the following:

Some anaerobic bacteria do not just live in the body, but also contribute to its normal functioning. A vivid example is bacteroids. Under normal conditions these microorganisms are an obligatory component of the microflora of the large intestine. And such varieties of anaerobic bacteria as fusobacteria and prevoteles provide a healthy flora of the oral cavity.

In different organisms anaerobic infection manifests itself in different ways. Everything depends on the state of health of the patient, and on the type of bacteria that infected him. The most common problem is infections and suppuration of deep wounds. This is a vivid example of what the vital activity of anaerobic bacteria can lead to. In addition, microorganisms can be the causative agents of such diseases:

Treatment of infections caused by anaerobic bacteria

Manifestations and ways of treating anaerobic infections also depend on the pathogen. Abscesses and suppuration are usually treated with surgical intervention. Dead tissue should be removed very carefully. After that the wound is not less thoroughly disinfected and for several days is regularly treated with antiseptics. Otherwise, the bacteria will continue to multiply and penetrate deeper into the body.

We must be ready for treatment with potent drugs. It is often effective to destroy anaerobic, as, in general, and any other type of infection, without antibiotics fails.

Anaerobic bacteria in the mouth require special treatment. They cause an unpleasant smell from the mouth. To prevent bacteria from getting nutrients, you need to add as many fresh fruits and vegetables as possible (the most useful in the fight against bacteria are oranges and apples), and in meat, fast food and other harmful foods, it is desirable to limit yourself. And of course, do not forget to brush your teeth regularly. The food particles remaining in the spaces between the teeth are a favorable soil for the reproduction of anaerobic bacteria.

Observing these simple rules, you can not only get rid of bad breath , but also prevent the occurrence of plaque.