10 factors of successful relations

Successful relationships are the key to harmony in the family and prosperity in the business sphere. In fact, our entire life consists of interaction with different people. In personal and business relations, we face the need to resolve conflicts, defend our point of view, and achieve something. And on what methods are used when interacting with others, success depends. Given the 10 main factors of successful relationships when communicating with relatives, colleagues or partners, you can avoid many conflicts, learn to understand others and succeed in different areas of life.

1. Respect. Respect for others is not possible without respect for oneself, but the reverse is also true - without respecting others it is impossible to learn how to respect yourself. Respect is an understanding and recognition of the importance of feelings, desires and aspirations of oneself and others. The need for recognition is the main motive of almost all actions. Anyone who learns to respect himself and others, recognize the importance of opponents, while being aware of his importance, he will be able to place people in any situation. Ability to respect as it will allow to defend the point of view and the decisions not causing negative reaction at associates.

2. Sincerity. A truly valuable and strong relationship can not be built on lies - this is known to everyone. But sincerity does not mean that everyone should always tell the truth. First, it is necessary to understand that everyone has his own truth. Secondly, it is not always and not always appropriate to openly express your feelings or thoughts. To be sincere with others or not depends on many factors, but it is always necessary to be sincere with yourself. Do not lie to yourself, do not try to be someone else - this is the basis of sincerity with yourself and with others.

3. Understanding. The human body is arranged so that we can hear. We do not need to learn this, since childhood this has been an integral part of our perception. But only a few can listen. And, as noted by successful people, this skill is one of the components of their achievements. If you do not even try to listen to the interlocutor, you will never get to understand him, and, therefore, communication will not benefit either side.

4. Controlling emotions. Without allowing emotions to influence decisions and actions, many mistakes can be avoided. Sometimes such mistakes may cost a career or a relationship with loved ones. Controlling emotions is necessary not only in order not to injure others. Very often emotions do not allow to assess the situation objectively, to find the most correct way out.

5. Absence of condemnation. Condemnation and fear of condemnation also underlie conflicts. Of course, we can not always approve certain actions or events, because everyone has the right to their opinion. But it is always necessary to remember that every act has its own causes and consequences. Explain your approval or disapproval, in terms of understanding these causes and consequences, this is completely different than simply condemning. Condemnation always causes negative emotions, understanding the causes and consequences makes it possible to avoid mistakes and express your opinion without causing negative.

6. Separation of actions and personality. This factor plays an important role in building relations. Disapproval of actions should never become the reason for insults of the person, whether it be your own child, loved one, colleague or just a passer-by. Ability to express disapproval, while not humiliating and not insulting, is one of the most important skills for building successful relationships.

7. Demanding. Unreasonable exacting can cause conflicts and failures in your personal life. But for productive interaction, it is necessary to gently direct partners, insist on the fulfillment of these obligations or conditions. Demand must be combined with wisdom - one can not demand the impossible, but one can not encourage inaction also. You can not require someone to do things that are not to their liking, but you need to demand that you develop. Being demanding does not mean being a tyrant. Being demanding means cultivating and helping others around.

8. Ability to compromise. Compromise is a solution that should be suitable for everyone. But very often the interested party tries to insist on the decision, not reflecting on interests of the opponent. This can lead to conflict and a break in relations. It is always necessary to assess the consequences of non-cooperation and the consequences of a compromise solution.

9. Ability to find a compromise. In order to find the right solution in a conflict or controversial situation, one must understand the opponent's point of view. Only in this case it is possible to make the right decision and find a way out of the situation, which will satisfy both sides.

10. Conflict resolution. The ability to find the right solutions in conflict situations has always been considered one of the most important qualities in any field. But in most cases this is not an inborn quality, but a skill acquired through working on oneself. All of the above factors of successful relations are also the basis for resolving conflicts. The ability to solve conflicts opens the door in all spheres of life, in love, in a career, in relationships with children, relatives and friends.