Begonia from seeds at home

Delicate and fragile begonia was and remains one of the most popular domestic plants. Although traditionally it is propagated by cuttings , begonia can be grown at home and from seeds.

How to grow begonia from seeds?

Everyone who ventured to try begonia multiplication with seeds at home should remember that it is possible to grow only decorative and flowering her species. In addition, for successful germination, seeds of begonia should be in the following conditions:

Planting begonia with seeds has the following features:

  1. Since the inoculum has microscopic dimensions, it must be mixed with clean dry sand, preferably river water, before the planting is evenly distributed. Purchased seeds are often sold in the form of granules, so they can not be confused with anything.
  2. Sow the seeds should be superficially in plastic or wooden boxes filled with a mixture of equal parts of peat, sand and leaf land. Immediately after planting, the surface of the soil mixture must be gently moistened from the spray gun.
  3. The first time after sowing the containers with the seeds must be kept in a mini-greenhouse from a plastic bag or glass, daily aired and moistened by spraying. After about 10-12 days, the first shoots will appear, after which the crops can be rearranged to a well-lit place, and a mini-greenhouse to be removed.
  4. As soon as two real leaves appear on the seedlings, it should be gently spiked into a larger container. The second pick is carried out a month after the first, adding to the soil mixture one part of the humus. A month later, the seedlings can be broken off into separate pots.