What do the parrots like?

The appearance in the house of a new member of the family is always joyful, especially if it is a bright, motley, talkative and such a cheerful parrot. Now you need to replenish the treasury of knowledge with information about that like wavy parrots. Then you can not just please him with a varied diet, but also take care of his health.

What do parrots like to eat?

The main food for parrots of this breed is a grain mixture: millet, oats, canary seed, flax seeds, sesame seeds, meadow grass seeds, sunflower seeds (not fried). In the pet stores sold a lot of ready-mixed feed mixtures. But only their parrots are few.

At home, parrots eat a lot of greenery and fruits. And the knowledge of what kind of grass is loved by wavy parrots will help diversify their diet. So, from grasses, they prefer clover, spores, leaf lettuce, burdock, beetroots and carrots, sprouted oats and wheat, thin branches of trees with buds, young leaves of willow, small twigs of pine and spruce, spinach, and grapefruit. Scented herbs such as dill, parsley, celery, cilantro can not be given to parrots!

What berries and fruits like wavy parrots: apples, pears, citrus fruits, grapes, plums, peaches, nectarines, bananas, cherries and cherries, cranberries, honeysuckle, raspberries, sea buckthorn, mountain ash, wild rose , strawberries, lingonberries, kiwi, pineapple, pomegranate and others. Categorically you can not feed wavy parrots of mango, avocado, persimmon and papaya. Nuts are also included in the list of prohibited products for parrots.

What toys like wavy parrots?

Parrots love not only to eat deliciously and diversely, but also actively play. The most favorite are toys for the beak and paws. They can be hanging or flooring, wooden, leather, plastic, metal and so on. Very fond of birds and musical toys-bells, rattles, interactive toys with buttons.

Educational toys are designed to teach a pet to get food. For example, he needs to scroll the wheel or press the lever to get to the feeder.

Well, traditional toys are all kinds of rings, ladder, ropes, pendants for eating.