Why do dogs not like cats?

Our four-legged friends, a dog and a cat, long tamed by a man, get along sometimes peacefully in the house, and sometimes look with caution at each other. If a long time of pets can not reconcile, we ourselves ask the question, why dogs do not like cats. Maybe because the dogs and cats are smart, but very different.

Why do cats and dogs feud?

The difference between cats and dogs is obvious. The wild nature of hunting character in each of them is present now. It is believed that once the big cats chased the representatives of the family of dogs, and now on the genetic level the instinct of enmity works. And the cats, seeing the dog, are forced to flee. The most daring of them arched when meeting a back and protruding claws . And some seem to tease dogs, more often those who are tethered. They walk in circles, wagging their tail at a distance of a centimeter from the dog's nose. Also what here you will tell? If, nevertheless, the cat went through the muzzle of the dog with its claws, this last will be remembered for life. And it will be unnecessary to ask why dogs do not like cats.

The cat has always been and remains a sole proprietor, and dogs more friendly by nature tend to contact. For the dog, society is important. After all, in the wild they always lived in packs, hunted together. The abandoned dog is always unhappy. For full happiness she needs a family. The family in which the dog lives, she compares with the pack and obeys its laws. A cat for a dog is not just a member of the family, it is a member of the pack.

Showing a genuine interest in the cat, the dog unwillingly violates her personal space, and this is unacceptable. In addition, the reason for the enmity of these two individually peace-loving animals is the eternal struggle for territory. In a private home, where space is much larger, it is easier for such different neighbors to live because they are less likely to intersect.

The cat does not accept the dog also because it does not understand its language. It is worth the dog to raise his paw, as the cat will be ready to attack, and the dog is just going to play. Dog games for the mirk, as a rule, end with a chase and a sortie on a tree. A pretty wagging tail? In the dog it means joy, and the cat has anger. When a cat purrs, we know that she is pleased. And the dog, glancing sidelong at his neighbor, thinks that it is menacingly growling at her.

Scientists have established one more possible reason, explaining why cats are not friends with dogs. It turns out that the cats secrete an enzyme that has a special effect on dogs, provoking them to aggression. However, this discovery does not fit into the cases of peaceful coexistence of these lovely animals. Otherwise, how to explain the desire of cats to bask on the back of a dog. When you see this picture, it never even crosses your mind that these two can be at enmity with each other.

How to make a cat and a dog?

The friendship of a cat and a dog is possible if the caring owner, in order not to cause jealousy of anyone, evenly distributes his love. If in the house where the adult cat lives, you brought the puppy, at first it will be necessary to save it. Since, if he is interested in the hostess, What Murka feels like, then it risks to get acquainted with her claws.

You need to protect a small kitten, which is brought to the house where the dog already lives. The dog is recommended to put on the muzzle at first , otherwise, especially if the dog is large, it can deprive the kitten of life. To feed such different in nature neighbors need from different bowls, watching that none of them offended each other.

A win-win option is to bring two kids into the house. Everyone knows that children quickly find a common language than adults. Common games, and even a common bowl with food pull them together and, after a while, they do not think of enmity between themselves.