Ilon Mask predicted that he would cause the Third World War!

On September 1, Russian President Vladimir Putin said during an open lesson in Yaroslavl that the role of the world leader is predetermined - it will be occupied by that country, which will have the most significant successes in creating artificial intelligence.

These words could not be ignored by Ilon Mask (Elon Musk), who has even more weighty arguments on this score.

The American billionaire, the inventor, the founder of Paypal, the general director of SpaceX and the ideological inspirer of Tesla on his Twitter page warned that the struggle for excellence in the field of artificial intelligence threatens the most shocking consequences:

"China, Russia, soon all countries will be strong in computer science. And such a competition for the superiority of AI (artificial intelligence) at the national level is likely to cause the Third World War. "

In a word, the scenarios and consequences of how machines defeat a person have already been used repeatedly in cinematography (Terminator and Terminator-2), as well as in fantastic literature. But is it worth worrying that our reality with staggering speed is starting to look more like a fantastic one, and is there a threat that AI can actually become uncontrollable?

Ilon Mask is not just sure of this, but last month he assembled a group of 116 experts in the field of AI and robotics, along with whom he sent a letter to the UN demanding that it prohibit the development and use of deadly autonomous weapons. The famous engineer says that AI can very soon start a war with the fact that it will provide false news and replace the email account.

"I have access to the most advanced AI," says Ilon Mask, "and I think that people really need to worry about everything that is connected with it. AI is the rare case when you need to unite, be active and prevent its development. Otherwise, it will be too late ... AI is a fundamental risk to the existence of human civilization, and no car accidents, air crashes, drugs or harmful food will equal ... "