What does the name Margarita

Characteristic to Margaritas character traits - humanity, disinterestedness and honesty, they are easy, sociable and energetic.

The name Margarita in Latin and in Greek means "mother of pearl", "pearl".

Origin of the name Margarita:

The name Margarita originated from the ancient Greek "Margaritis", it is the epithet of Aphrodite. This goddess was considered the patroness of sailors and travelers.

Characteristics and interpretation of the name Margarita:

From an early age Margarita is straightforward and independent, she is not afraid to express her opinion, it is difficult for her to impose someone else's point of view. In games with peers it is distinguished by ease in communication and some cunning. She studies well, prefers rational and exact sciences. He sometimes argues with teachers about what her main problems at school are connected with. Openness and self-righteousness retains throughout life. They play chess well, build complex combinations, are able to analyze and predict the course of the game.

From Margarita, good engineers and teachers are obtained. They are a little extravagant, like to challenge society with their eccentricity, but they are always responsible and businesslike. Work as such is of little interest, for it is very important monetary component, material security. He is fond of sports, but he is not a profession for her, but a favorite hobby.

She rarely has many friends, in fact, she trusts very few people. She is capricious, selfish, and puts her own interests at the center. It is difficult for her to adapt to society, she is always on the sidelines because of her independence and unusual. Internally, Margarita may be insecure, often tormented by conflicting desires and deep passions. These women are late defined with their desires, in life can be a bit inert, do not consider it necessary to pay attention to things uninteresting to them and unattractive people. The natural observers are ironic, they are unrestrained in their youth. Prefer a society of men.

Margaritas are spectacular and always surrounded by fans. They love when their favors are achieved, they watch with pleasure the quarrels between their boyfriends. Eccentricity in life, and carry over to personal relationships, pay little attention to the norms of society, sarcastic to the requirements of morality. They are hasty and impatient, expect constant attention to themselves, tend to dominate. Sharply experiencing problems in relationships, become self-sufficient. Their sexual life is rich and diverse, they try to choose strong and confident men as partners. Margarita is able to deliver pleasure, attentive, passionate. It is difficult to forget, it is not easy to quit.

Often, Marguerite has two marriages, the second, as a rule, is in adulthood and is strong. In the family life of Margarita independence is important, but she does not ignore her husband and children and is fully capable of studying the house. Margarita, whose personal life harmoniously coexists with the public, is soft, calm and balanced. Success in work for them largely depends on success in marriage and vice versa. Family quarrels often arise because of jealousy - marrying, Margarita does not tend to dare other fans.

Interesting facts about the name Margarita:

As partners Margarita men suitable for Michael, Sergey, Gennady, Dmitri and Edward are suitable, marriage of Margarita with Cyril, Vitaly, Ivan and Vladimir may prove unsuccessful.

"Winter" owners of this name are despotic and demanding, "autumn" - businesslike, practical, sparse. Born in the summer - are soft, but adamant, have great spiritual power, "spring" is characterized by extravagance.

Name Margarita in different languages:

Forms and variants of the name Margarita : Rita, Rituyla, Marusya, Magus, Poppy, Ritusia, Tusia, Ritus, Ritun, Margosha, Margush, Mara, Marguerite, Marga, Margot

Margarita - color of the name : red

Flower of Margarita : daisy

Marigold's Stone : pearls

Forms and variants of the name Margarita : Marguerite, Flower, Margot, Margush, Mara, Margaret, Miss Thatcher, Iron Lady,