What does the name Eugene

Carriers of the name of Eugene are characterized by activity and sexuality, they are sociable and adorable, confidently go to the goal.

Eugene's name in Greek means "noble" and is a feminine version of the name "Eugene".

The origin of the name Eugene:

The name is a female derivative of the male name Eugene, which came to us from ancient Greece. Originally it was pronounced as "Eugenius".

Characteristics and interpretation of the name Eugene:

As a child, Eugene is dreamy, spends a lot of time in the world of her fantasies. She is calm and assiduous, prefers quiet games, handicrafts, does not bother with solitude. Tied to parents and older relatives, she studies willingly, especially in the lower grades. She is interested in fairy tales, legends, adventure novels, wildlife and animals. The company behaves exactly, valued for its calm and innate sense of justice. She is secretive and does not share her feelings and feelings with her friends, but she is always ready to listen.

Eugene is ambitious, fast in her career. Haste often leads to risk, and lack of intuition does not allow foreseeing danger. Eugene should be prudent and careful, carefully think over the consequences of their actions. They are not tied to the profession and easily change it, they are well implemented in the administrative and art spheres, good artists, good doctors and talented photographers. They are careful and pay attention to little things, are not inclined to global thinking, prefer to reason in the categories "here and now".

With distant people, Eugene is arrogant, uncomfortable and resentful. It flares easily because of trifles, long remembers even the smallest quarrels. She needs love and understanding of her close ones, she does not lose her deep affection for her parents, even having her own family. For the sake of relatives will go to much. In adulthood, she should avoid lack of mobility and laziness - this can cause mental frailty and health problems. She is responsible and punctual, knows how to like, and domestic insight helps her to guess other people's desires. Softly, amenable to someone else's influence.

In the love of Eugenia shy, preference is given to the affable, slightly old-fashioned men with good manners. The theory of amorous practice is drawn from books, they do not like public conversations on intimate topics. Eugene always strives to understand deeper the nature of the partner, without this it is difficult for her to fully unite with him. In love, Eugenia gives herself up to feelings, becomes demanding, tender and vulnerable, gladly gives her chosen one love and affection. She is impulsive and capable of selfless love, she gives a great pleasure to guessing the desires of a loved one and giving him pleasure.

Secretly Eugene seeks to get married as soon as possible, with pleasure landscapes the house, thinks out family life. The household does not seem to be a swamp, especially if there are often guests in the house, who can be shown cleanliness, comfort and exquisitely prepared food. The praise of the mother means more to Eugene than the compliments of her husband. She educates children gently, compliant, rarely gets more than one child. Benevolent to animals in the house.

Interesting facts about the name of Eugene:

Approach Eugene - Peter, Constantine, Arkady and Egor, close should be, linking fate with men called Maxim, Vitaly, Vsevolod and Edward.

The most quick-tempered, stubborn and persistent Eugenia are born in the winter. "Autumn" - realists, closed, but quickly find a common language with children who understand. "Spring" are selfish, impetuous and eccentric, and "summer" are soft, friendly and attentive to people.

Eugene's name in different languages:

Forms and variants of the name of Eugene : Zhenya, Zhenya, Evgesha, Eva, Yenyasha, Evgeniushka, Enusha, Yenyaha, Zhenyura, Evgenya, Genya, Zhenechka, Enya, Ena, Enyuta, Yeniukha, Zhenyusha

Eugene - the color of the name : lemon

Flower of Eugenia : thistle

Eugenia's Stone : Emerald

Nicky for the name of Eugene : Evgesha, Gesha, Zhorka, Zhora, Lioness, Panther, Sunny, Bunting, Zuzha, Pussy, Kitten, Hare, Martyr