What is the name Julia

The main character trait of Julia is her receptivity. She is characterized by sociability, indecisiveness and timidity, her intuition is developed better than the mind.

The name Julia in Latin means "curly", "wavy", "fluffy". This is a female version of the name "Julius".

Origin of the name Julia:

The name Julia, is derived from the name of the very famous Roman family Julius.

Characteristics and interpretation of the name Julia:

Julia usually grows up healthy and good-natured child. It can deliver problems to parents except by capriciousness and hypersensitivity. She often resides in a fantasy world, is acutely sensitive to new experiences and is interested in all the unusual and otherworldly. The company is quiet, willingly shares toys and sweets with friends. He does not like noisy fun and pranks, but not one who prefers solitude. Fatigue, becomes sluggish and touchy. She studies selectively, she is talented in the humanities. Children's fears often remain until adulthood.

Julia is rarely interested in career growth, preferring to devote more time to the family. They are well suited to the profession associated with art, not requiring strict accountability. Julia does not like exact sciences, understanding comes to her from intuition, and not from the analysis of data. To the heads and colleagues it can seem lazy, but actually Yulia is simply quiet and not ambitious. Failure perceives painfully, is capable of abandoning the goal because of them. It works well according to the instructions, clearly and in time fulfills the instructions. In independent work, it can be careless and irresponsible, forgetful and does not attach much importance to other people's interests.

In friends of Julia, attention and tactfulness are appreciated. Rude words hurt them greatly, offended Yulia rarely take revenge - they usually just interrupt relations. They are friends sincerely, hard betrayals. A common language is equally well found with both men and women.

Julia is resourceful, which can degenerate into stinginess. Their protective reaction is closedness, taciturnity. Independently Julia can rarely get out of depression, they need help from relatives and friends. They hate rough jokes and rudeness, they are drawn to sophistication and aristocracy. Physicians are afraid of themselves, they become more and more addicted to self-treatment with age.

Usually Julia is elegant, slender, has a nice soft voice timbre. In the object of love interest, they are looking for the same thing as in a friend: tact and aristocracy. Restrained in the manifestation of emotions, shy, failures on the love front are much harder than in the career. With pleasure they provide the husband with a strong family rear, do not be burdened with the role of housewives.

A friendly and strong family is what Julia most strives for. She always has clean houses, she likes to cook and receive guests. Usually indecisive, prefers that serious domestic issues are solved by the spouse. Carefully engaged in the upbringing of children. In moments of rest he likes to read, he collects a good library at home. With relatives trying to maintain an even relationship, always ready to help.

Interesting facts about the name Julia:

If Julia was born in the summer, she is characterized by kindness and tenderness. "Spring" - the biggest fantasies, "autumn" - are closed, taciturn, dreamy and detached. Born in the winter pay attention to the career, are smart and prudent.

Good partners will be the men named Alexander, Vyacheslav, Vladimir and Viktor, the relations with the Lions, Sergey, Antonov can be cool and unsuccessful.

Name Julia in different languages:

Forms and variants of the name Julia : Julia, Julia, Julia, Julia, Julia, Julena, Julia

Julia - the color of the name : red

Flower of Julia : lemon balm

The stone of Julia : amber

Nicky for the name Julia : Julia, Julek, Julia , Julia, Jul, G, J, Curly, Cabbage, Pushinka