At what age does estrus begin in dogs?

About the age at which the estrus begins in dogs, you can talk for a long time, as the development of puppies of different breeds occurs in different ways. In addition, the individual characteristics of the organism play an important role in puberty. It is noticed that large animals for a few months lag behind in sexual development from their small relatives.

First age and age of dogs

Watching your puppy you can not help noticing the changes that occur with the approach of the first estrus . If the baby has completed a complete change of teeth and molting has begun, prepare for the fact that she turns into a full-fledged female. This period can coincide with the seven-month age or come in the second year of life. The behavior and mood of dogs varies greatly. This is especially noticeable during walks. Even trained individuals can behave unpredictably. At the physiological level, you can observe frequent urination, which is sometimes mistaken for kidney disease. A little girl just marks the place of her stay. In addition, the activity of males increases around her.

If the dog lives in an apartment, you will definitely notice spotting. Droplets of blood remain on the floor or in the place reserved for it. On puberty also indicates a swollen loop (external genitalia). Owners of domestic dogs, who do not pay enough attention to their pets, may not notice the changes occurring.

Following the first signs of estrus , the second stage begins, when the discharge becomes more transparent and the baby starts to let the males come to her. The fifteenth day is always the most favorable for mating. At the final stage, the duration of ten days of excretion gradually ceases and she already refuses to the representatives of the male sex. After a rapid hormonal surge comes a period of rest, which in most cases lasts six months. The duration of estrus varies between 20-28 days. In the case when the first manifestations are weakly expressed, it will soon be repeated in the classical version.

If you know at what age the estrus begins in dogs, watch your pets. At the slightest changes in its duration and frequency, you should contact your veterinarian.