Plum bones - good and bad

Many people, having regaled themselves with plums, throw out bones, considering them absolutely useless, but this is a mistake, since their nuclei contain many useful substances, so they are used in folk medicine. It is important to know the benefit and harm of the kernels of the plum stones so that treatment does not cause health problems. Basically, using bones for cooking tinctures.

Benefits and harm of plums bones

Particularly popular means, prepared on the basis of bones, are used in eastern medicine. It is believed that plum tincture has an expectorant effect, so it is recommended to take it in the treatment of cough and bronchitis . Still the means prepared on the basis of ossicles, help or assist at pains in a loin and in other sites of a body. The use of plum seed is the presence of vitamin B17, which is able to fight cancer cells, so tincture is considered a means of prevention.

For the preparation of tinctures use not only bones, but also fruit, which only expands its useful properties. This drink contains vitamins , including ascorbic acid, minerals, acids, tannins, pectin and other substances. The benefits of tincture from the stone from the plum and pulp can be assessed in the treatment of constipation, problems with the intestine and bladder. It is recommended to take it to strengthen immunity and cope with colds and throat diseases. Adherents of traditional medicine use tincture in the treatment of kidney problems, rheumatism, atherosclerosis and gout. Drink, which includes plums, accelerates the outflow of bile and promotes abundant release of urine, which allows you to cleanse the body of harmful substances.

Now consider the recipe for the tincture, so that you can cook it yourself.



Plums together with seeds should be put in a glass container and pour in alcohol. Close the jar with a strong lid and put it in a warm place for 14 days. The tincture is considered ready when the liquid turns red, and the peel peels off the fruit. Take it should be dropped by drop twice a day.

As for harm, the nucleus of the bones contains a large amount of amygdalin, which when ingested into the body under the action of enzymes turns into hydrocyanic acid, and this is already poison. It should be noted that after the thermal treatment harmful substances are destroyed.