Calcium preparations

It's no secret that calcium is the very element that is necessary for the health of bones, teeth, hair and nails. It is important to monitor enough of this mineral in the diet to avoid possible problems or overcome existing ones. However, as in any case relating to the body, it is important and not to overdo it: excess calcium will not be of use to you, nor will its lack.

Whether it is necessary to accept preparations of a calcium?

Before actively searching for the best calcium preparations, you should know how much calcium a person needs a day. The exact amount is calculated from the ratio of height and weight, but there are more generalized data:

Choosing calcium preparations for women, it is worth paying special attention to the dosage: as can be seen from the above information, in this case there are many subtleties that should be considered. In any case, you can not prescribe medications yourself, and it's worth to consult a doctor.

Effective preparations of calcium

All calcium preparations are divided into three large groups, each of which has its own characteristics. Your doctor will prescribe you a drug for one of these groups, depending on the individual characteristics of your body.

Monopreparations containing only calcium salt

Preparations in which calcium is contained without additives, in its pure form, are quite popular. Usually it is calcium carbonate, calcium citrate or calcium lactate. The list of such calcium preparations includes: vitacalcine, calcium-sandoz.

Combined preparations

In the composition of such preparations, in addition to the calcium salt, vitamin D and other minerals are added. The advantage of using such drugs is the opportunity to enrich the body with two important elements - Ca, and vitamin D, which also participates in the formation and maintenance of bones and teeth. These drugs include calcium D3 nycomed, calcemin.

Multivitamin preparations

The composition of such products includes a large number of different vitamins and minerals. In addition to supplying a large amount of calcium, such complexes enrich the body with many other useful substances. As an example, you can bring vitrum, san-salt, multi-tabs , elevator. Especially calcium is rich in those complexes that are designed for pregnant women.

Depending on what problems you are trying to solve by taking calcium, your doctor will prescribe you a drug for one of the groups listed above.

How correctly to take calcium preparations?

If you drink drugs of this kind, make sure that a single dose is not too large. When taking calcium in the intestine, no more than 500-600 mg is absorbed, which means that it is senseless to take a dose more. If you need

more a day, divide the entire daily rate into several receptions.

Taking calcium supplements is best in the evening, as during the night the processes of bone destruction actively flow in the body. For the best absorption of calcium, you need to use between meals, squeezed with any acidic liquid - cranberry juice, orange juice, etc. In this form, the drug is absorbed much better. Due to the additional acidic environment, citrate is formed, which ensures the absorption of calcium regardless of the gastric environment.