How to make an onion with your own hands?

Already from the preschool age, many boys are beginning to be interested in toy weapons. In response to this demand, children's shops sell numerous toy pistols, machine guns, blasters, slingshots and crossbows. But few of the boys will remain indifferent to the onions - the ancient weapons of the Indians. We suggest you learn how to make bow for games and arrows to it to please your child!

How to make a simple bow yourself?

  1. The simplest bow can be made from a simple tree branch. For these purposes, it is better to choose oak or acacia branches. It is advisable to cut the branch straight from the tree, or find a fresh, not yet dried branch, which bends well.
  2. Flexibility - the main quality, which should be taken into account when making the basis for onions. The branch should be easy, without strong tension, to bend in both directions, without threatening to break and injure the shooter.
  3. Using an acute penknife, treat the branch, cutting off all the protruding knots from it. The base of the bow should be smooth and smooth. In the center of the branch, line out a small notch where the boom will go (the so-called guide protrusion).
  4. Both ends of the branch should also be processed. First, it is necessary for a safe game, so that the child does not scratch on the sharp edge of the bow or do not drive a splinter. Secondly, on the ends of the bow should make slits for the bowstring depth of 5 to 10 cm (depending on the size of the bow and the thickness of the future bowstring).
  5. Bowstring for a bow can serve as a nylon or a nylon thread, a fishing line for fishing or a regular lace. The main thing is that the thread is strong, otherwise you will often have to change it.

We craft arrows for an onion with our own hands

  1. Arrows can also be made from ordinary branches or use special billets for this purpose. They can be any length, the main thing is that they correspond to other sizes of onions and be easy to use. If as a material for making homemade arrows you decide to take the same tree as for the base of the bow, choose as straight and straight as possible the twigs.
  2. They should be treated in a special way: slip on all sides with a knife and hold it slightly over the fire to make the arrows stronger. However, the latter is not the main point, and it is not necessary to strengthen arrows for children's games.
  3. The point of each arrow is also wedged with a knife. For security reasons, it is not recommended to make them too sharp, because children, playing with each other, can shoot their comrades, and the bow is not such an inoffensive toy.
  4. Such a children's bow with arrows can be easily and quickly done using the available materials - tree branches, string string and penknife.
  5. For an older child, who is already important in the accuracy of shooting, you can make feathered arrows. To do this, prepare A4 paper, a pencil, a ruler, scissors, colored and aluminum scotch tape.
  6. Pull the paper across into 4 cm wide strips.
  7. The foil is twisted into thin long strands - they are needed to give each boom stability and stability.
  8. Unwind the colored tape (it should be wide enough), lay out on it strips of paper and aluminum strands.
  9. Cover everything with one more layer of colored scotch and cut into strips. Mark the plumage on them and cut them according to the pattern.
  10. Attach tape with feathers to the end of each arrow (a few centimeters from the edge).
  11. Approximately such feathered arrows should be obtained from you as a result. They fly more evenly and hit the target more accurately than normal - it's like your little arrow!

Such an onion may be needed when creating an Indian costume .