The letters from foam plastic

Polyfoam - the material is cheap, durable and very pliable. It is often used for decorating rooms where a celebration, party or wedding party is planned. Letters, cut from foam by own hands, can be used to create inscriptions, monograms, logos.

The technology of manufacturing letters from foam is very simple. It consists in the fact that the contour is first applied to the foam, then the desired letter is cut out, and after that it is decorated in various ways. In this master class you will learn how to cut out letters from styrofoam and make them an inscription or logo for decorating the room. So, let's get started.

We will need:

  1. Before you start cutting the letters of foam, prepare the templates of the letters. Choose the type of font and its size, print the letters that you want to cut. Attach them to a sheet of styrofoam, circle the contour with a marker.
  2. Now you can start cutting out the letters. It is easier to make it a special cutter, which heats up and easily cuts the foam, melting slightly the slices, which prevents shedding. If you do not have such an instrument, you can also use an ordinary sharp knife with a thin blade. Try to keep the movements clear. This will avoid jagging and roughness. Even if they do appear, fine-grained sandpaper will help eliminate this drawback.
  3. The letters are ready, but the white color of the foam does not allow creating an expressive composition from them. It is easy to fix with the help of multi-colored threads. The easiest way is to wrap each letter of foam with threads. Try to keep the coils evenly. Very impressive is the combination of threads of contrasting colors. Fix the ends of the threads with glue. Now the letters can be put into words and placed in a frame, on a panel or, attaching threads, suspended.

Nominal Monogram

Want to decorate the front door or room with the original monogram? Polyfoam for this purpose is suitable as best as possible. Technology remains the same. First, create letter-templates from paper, selecting the font and printing them.

  1. Place the templates on a sheet of polystyrene, gently circle them around the contour. To simplify the work, fix the foam with tape or tape.
  2. After all the letters are circled, proceed to cutting out the elements.

The monogram is ready. Now it must be decorated. How can I paint letters from polystyrene foam? Any paint that is at your fingertips. It is most convenient to do this with aerosol paint. It remains to place a monogram of letters on a suitable background, and the article is ready.

If there is enough time, you can decorate the letters of foam with a cloth. To do this, it is necessary to attach letters to the cut of fabric, traverse them along the contour and cut out the details. Do not forget to leave the allowance! Lubricate the surface of the letters with glue and wrap them with a cloth. Wait until the glue dries, and enjoy the result.


Wooden and plastic cubes with letters can cause injury to the baby, and if you make an alphabet made of polystyrene for your own hands, then this will not happen. It is very simple and does not take much time. First, on paper, print the letters, cut them into squares or rectangles of the same size. Then cut out the same details from the foam sheet and glue the letters on them.

With your own hands, you can make foam and interesting crafts .