Antihistamines during pregnancy

In the period of expectation of the baby, negative allergic reactions can manifest themselves even in response to those substances that were completely tolerated by the female organism before pregnancy. Meanwhile, a woman who soon plans to become a mother can not take all medicines, because some of them can harm the life and health of an unborn baby.

In this article, we will tell you which antihistamines can be consumed during pregnancy, and which of these are categorically contraindicated in each trimester of this disturbing period.

What antihistamines can I drink during pregnancy in the first trimester?

In the first 3 months of the waiting period for the baby, it is highly recommended that future moms not take any pharmacy products. No antihistamines are also an exception. This is due to the fact that uncontrolled and spontaneous use of medications in the early pregnancy period with a high probability will lead to complications such as miscarriage or malformation and development of internal organs in the future baby.

Especially dangerous during this period are considered drugs such as Tavegil and Astemizol, because they have a pronounced embryotoxic effect, as well as drugs Dimedrol and Betadrin, the use of which often leads to the onset of spontaneous abortion.

That is why in the first 3 months of pregnancy, expectant mothers who showed a serious allergic reaction, are hospitalized in the hospital for the purpose of intensive complex therapy and relief of a dangerous condition. In some cases, a woman who carries a baby in the first 3 months of her waiting can take such first generation antihistamines as Suprastin or Diazolin, but this should only be done after a preliminary consultation with an allergist and only if there is a serious danger that threatens the life and health of the future mother.

Treatment of allergy in the 2nd and 3rd trimester of pregnancy

The list of approved antihistamines during pregnancy in the 2nd and 3rd trimester is significantly expanding. In a situation where the potential benefit of taking the medicine exceeds all possible risks for a woman in an "interesting" position and a future child, you can take quite a lot of different medications.

Most often in this situation apply Suprastin, Claritin, Telfast, Cetirizine, Eden, Zirtek and Fenistil. Although all these drugs are considered relatively safe, in the waiting period of the baby before using them should always consult with your doctor.

Finally, immediately before childbirth, you should stop taking antihistamines, since any of them can cause sedation, or depression of consciousness in a newborn baby, and suppress the work of its respiratory center.