18th week of pregnancy - fetal development

That's like just recently the test showed the coveted two stripes, and two more weeks - and half way will be passed. At the 18th week of pregnancy, a lot of new sensations appear in the life of the expectant mother. One of the most memorable moments for the whole pregnancy is the first stirring . It is at this time that most mothers begin to feel them. But you should not be frightened if you did not feel the fetus moving at 18 weeks.

All women differ in the threshold of sensitivity, so one can notice the activity of the crumb at 16 weeks, and the second - only 22 weeks. There is an opinion that thin women begin to feel their child earlier than ladies with a large gain in weight. Also, practice shows that for re-birth this moment also comes earlier than in primiparas. In any case, the baby grows and develops, and at the 18th week of pregnancy the development of the fetus reaches certain results.

Fetus at 18 weeks gestation

Fetal development 18 weeks:

  1. The child learned to listen carefully. During this period, loud sounds can scare him. But my mother's voice, perhaps, is the most pleasant for a baby. Experts recommend that future mothers start talking with the fetus at 17-18 weeks.
  2. The retina develops and can distinguish bright light from darkness.
  3. The fetal heart at 18 weeks is sufficiently formed to determine the absence of defects by ultrasound.
  4. The phalanxes of the fingers and toes were also completely formed. There are unique fingerprints.
  5. The fetus has external and internal genital organs at 18 weeks. At this time, it is already possible to determine exactly who - the daughter or son you are waiting for.
  6. The baby has grown - the weight of the fetus reaches 150 to 250 g at week 18.
  7. The size of the fetus at 18 weeks is about 20 cm.
  8. On the body crumbs appear wrinkles and fatty tissue.
  9. The bony system of the fetus on the 18th week of pregnancy continues to strengthen. A woman should eat more foods containing calcium . Otherwise, she runs the risk of becoming a frequent guest of the dentist.
  10. Increases motor activity of the baby.
  11. At the 18th week of pregnancy, fetal development is actively continuing, accordingly, the immune system is no longer so helpless. At this stage, it is able to produce immunoglobulin and interferon. That gives the child the opportunity to fight against viruses and various infections.
  12. Rudiments of molars appeared.

It is quite possible to say that the development of the fetus in 17-18 weeks reaches a high level. The foundations of all the body systems necessary for the life support of the baby after birth are laid. In the future they will be improved and prepared for work.

Changes in the body of the mother

Active development of the fetus on the 18th week of pregnancy makes its own adjustments to the life of the mother's body. To begin with, the uterus rapidly increases in size, there is a shift of the center of gravity, the load on the spine is growing rapidly. These changes cause back pain. Tummy can not hide from others, it's time to please yourself and update your wardrobe.

Back pain can also indicate the presence of infection in the urinary tract of a woman. Also, this will be indicated by a change in the discharge: in norm they should be light and homogeneous. If there is itching and burning, pain during urination, discharge changes color and consistency, you should immediately consult a doctor.

A pregnant woman should not forget about control over her weight gain. At normal course of pregnancy on 18 week it should not exceed 5 - 6 kg.