How to paint the lining on the balcony?

Lining is a popular material for interior and exterior decoration of premises. Due to the environmentally friendly and easy installation of the lining, logs and balconies are often trimmed. However, many owners who decided to give their balcony a presentable appearance, are interested in what and how to paint the lining on the balcony and the loggia and whether it can be done at all.

Painting of vagonki on the balcony

In order to extend the life of the wooden lining, protect from mold and fungus , before painting it must be covered with antiseptic. However, first of all, it is necessary to clean the surface of the vagonka from dust and dirt. Remember that paint and varnish should not be applied to dirty surfaces. Then, if necessary, we clean possible chips and chips that appear during the installation and cover with any kind of antiseptic in two layers. There are special priming antiseptics, which significantly extend the life of wooden products covered with paint or varnish.

Now you need to give the coating a good dry and you can proceed with the finish painting of the lining. For the cover of the lining is best suited acrylic lacquer or akvalak. The latter dries very quickly, so you need to paint immediately the entire surface from top to bottom. If you do this in parts, then in places where the layers are joined, ugly spots may appear. These coatings perfectly protect the tree from ultraviolet and moisture.

If your balcony is glazed, you can use a water-based lacquer. This varnish will prevent the darkening of the wooden lining, it will preserve its natural shade. It is absolutely safe for people, does not smell and dries quickly.

To the balcony or balcony is not knocked out from the general interior of the apartment, you can paint the walls in any color suitable to the overall design. For this, oil, alkyd and facade paints are used. Today, often used for painting lining in a balcony or loggia semi-finished paint, made on a water basis.

There is one more kind of decorative coating of the lining - impregnation with stain, which perfectly underlines the texture of the tree, and impregnation on the basis of wax can be used on the outside of the balcony.

Tinted varnish or paint is applied in a thin layer, leading with a brush or roller downwards. After the coating dries well, another layer of paint or varnish can be applied.