What is evil and what is the cause of evil in man?

The opposite of the ideal and the laws of good is evil. It arises with a free choice of erroneous knowledge. It manifests itself in aggression, fear, anger, violence, destruction, hatred, lack of freedom. Hierarchy - beings who consciously or unconsciously serve evil. Representatives among people: criminals, black magicians, psychics.

What is evil?

To realize the evil essence, you need to understand how evil looks. The main categories of evil:

  1. Intentional - personal motivation, development of tasks and the fulfillment of goals by voluntary harm to another person with the aim of subordination, humiliation, destruction and violence on a moral and physical level.
  2. Unintentional - occurs as a result of ill-considered actions, the person does not realize the acts performed. A person can repent of his actions. People refer to alcohol and narcotics, mentally ill.
  3. Moral - the opposite of the ideal principles to which society aspires. Accompanied by the lack of conscience. Moral evil happens:

Psychology of Evil

Understanding of good and evil affects the life of a person. Good and evil are taught to distinguish from birth, convincing in the correctness of good deeds and in the wrongness of the bad. Man, as far as possible, tries to determine what is evil. It is not always possible to understand what is positive, negative. As a result of erroneous perception of reality, problems arise. Erroneous mistakes are made.

A person develops his point of view, considering it adequate and correct. A common phenomenon is when people are dissatisfied with their status and status in life. Some religious and philosophical beliefs argue that money is bad, to have a sighing thing - sin, to live in wealth - not necessarily. On the assumption that everything that is natural for life is not good and bad, a person should not have what he wants.

What then is good for a person, and what is bad? Everyone has their own knowledge about this. No one should impose his point of view. Each person has instincts that awaken true desires. By giving a reasonable form to one's instincts, one can easily distinguish between good and evil . Following the natural desires, the needs are met. A person becomes balanced and calm, he adequately assesses good and evil, the psychology of the person forms the correct idea of ​​the good and the bad.

What is evil is philosophy

Philosophers believe that the foundation of a person's life ideal is to learn about the opposition of good and evil. Their statements:

  1. Socrates believed that evil is an accidental phenomenon, committed by a person unconsciously, confusing it with good. The best remedy for evil is knowledge.
  2. Plato said that these concepts are real: good - the world of ideas, evil - variability, sensuality, visibility.
  3. Spinoza and Hobbes argued that there is no concept of good and evil - the philosophy of thinkers was that the criteria for bad and good are formed by comparing phenomena and things with each other.
  4. Interpretation of Confucius says that the roots of evil begin with society, there is no negative in the nature of man. A man, in whose generation there were social forms of evil, can undergo a natural purification. Salvation lies in good deeds and manners.
  5. Rousseau argued that all people are internally good, and the evil is born under the influence of society.
  6. Eternal evil does not exist, it can be overcome by religion, culture, upbringing and morality. Kant believed that people are dual:

Evil in Orthodoxy

Basic provisions, what is evil:

Because of the disobedience of the ancestors, sin took root in the nature of man and formed a sinful center. The fight against evil in Orthodoxy consists in overcoming temptations and temptations. But not in the struggle with Satan, for the evil spirit is defeated by God in the form of the resurrection of his Son. According to religion, a person is rewarded with free will and choice, so he must pass all the tests to strengthen devotion to the Creator.

What is evil in Buddhism?

The concept of "evil" in Buddhism does not exist. The highest evil is Samsara . It is a chain of transformation of animals, humans and gods. Whichever person is righteous, his life is full of suffering. Pain and sorrow come from the desires of man. The more desires, the more torment. Let's say that if you want to eat, animals that eat meat suffer. To overcome suffering, you must give up pleasure. This is how evil appeared on earth in Buddhism - because of desires that are evil for people.

Anger - what is it?

Unsatisfactory result in expectations, desires, actions leads to negative emotions. A great accumulation of unsatisfactoriness develops into aggression, which entails a great force of destruction. So what is anger? These are negative emotions and feelings that perform a protective function. A person experiences pain and frustration. He realizes that he is in a zone of discomfort, and tries to get out.

What is the cause of evil in man?

Everyone has certain hopes and dreams. When confronted with reality, they can partially or completely collapse. A person begins to experience pain and is immersed in deep dissatisfaction. What causes anger:

What does anger with a person do?

The malignancy turned into an epidemic, became the main problem in society. An evil person loses the respect of others, is deprived of love, sympathy and universal satisfaction. Anger paralyzes, weakens, leads to aggression, useless suffering and senseless tortures of self. Bad for health. With a strong anger, there is a large release of cortisone and adrenaline, which provokes pain in the neck and neck, severe headaches, stomach ulcers and the like.

How to defeat evil within yourself?

How to defeat evil in yourself and whether you need to reproach yourself, hate it, limit it? We need to understand what is evil and where it comes from. The more a person puts himself bans, the more anger and fury increases. A psychological complex is created in self-hatred that prevents us from living normally, rejoicing and developing. This leads to destruction. Even at the initial stage it is necessary to clear oneself of the negative: to be aware and to resolve vices, but not to forbid.

What if you feel anger?

What to do if inside anger:

  1. Analyze the situation and inadequate behavior.
  2. Concentrate on emotions and feelings, imagine the image of the negative (stone, bomb), color, shape.
  3. In front of you mentally put the image.
  4. Fancy: skip the image through an imaginary filter, see the output as "clean" energy;
  5. Return to the situation associated with bitterness. Once again, to present their behavior, draw conclusions. This method, how to defeat evil, use with every outburst of rage.

How to return a person to his evil?

The easiest way is to build a revenge plan and strike at vulnerable places. But is this correct? Before you return the evil back, you need to calmly consider the consequences. There are times when truth is born in conflicts. You need to act gradually, not hot. The strategy should be long-term. Effective Revenge: