Negative emotions

If we consider human life from the point of view of the aggregate of positive and negative emotions, then the number of the latter will dominate. It happens because the negative emotions are necessary for the person to direct the person in the right direction, but not to control him. But, often, in life there is a reverse. People so often absorb negative emotions, which leads to disastrous consequences, both for the person as a whole and for his environment.

In most cases, positive and negative emotions are caused in different ways. It is easier to experience negative things, get upset because of some trifles, thus spoiling a good mood in a split second. The most difficult, being in a depressed state, find an excuse for a sincere smile. Strangely enough, but it is strong by nature, people. These people are able, among the negative, to find positive aspects, thereby attracting optimistic people to their lives.

Getting rid of negative emotions may seem at first some kind of complexity. After all, the negative, like a swamp, can suck, destroying the person. It does not allow a person to objectively assess what is happening and find the best way out of the difficult situation.

Work with negative emotions is related to the activities of intellectual and emotional centers. Violation of their functioning leads to the appearance of negative human responses to anything. First, let's try to understand the scheme by which negative emotions are developed.

  1. The image - it can be either different circumstances, situations, or the person on whom you focus your attention.
  2. Evaluation is the property of your mind to characterize the external factor, on which your attention is accentuated. It is based on the knowledge that you accumulate throughout your life.
  3. The reaction is the result of an evaluation and acts as an action that you do externally or internally in response to the stimulus.

Since your evaluation is negative, then the reaction is produced corresponding. The intellectual center makes an assessment, and the emotional center - the reaction. To understand how to get rid of negative emotions, you should try to change your assessment of what is happening, which usually causes you a negative reaction, negative emotions.

In order to change your assessment, you need to work every day to build a positive mindset. As you know, the human mind, consciousness is a mechanism that can be easily reprogrammed with the help of appropriate thoughts.

How to deal with negative emotions?

  1. Totality. Be total about your problem. However strange it may sound, but at the slightest occurrence of negative emotions, start exaggerating them, making them out of the molehills of an elephant. Try to bring the situation to such an extent that you yourself will become ridiculous. After a while you will understand how ridiculous and stupid to be offended and experience negative emotions.
  2. Psychological stress. It is known that misunderstanding, conflict situations and bad news in your environment negatively affect your health, your emotions. Every morning, repeat yourself affirmations like: "I'm successful," "I can do anything." Soon you will understand how to cope with your negative emotions. Give yourself a positive setting every day.
  3. Replacement. Replace the negative factors that affect you with positive ones. Throw away negative thoughts, understand that they are you destroy, replace them with positive ones. Realize that a person can change his life with the help of thoughts.
  4. Communication with nature. Take time to rest. At least once a week, be surrounded by silence, nature. Take time for yourself, for your own "I".

So, your life will be filled with joy and harmony, when you realize that it is senseless to experience negative emotions. But, if it has happened that it seems as if they are going to explode, go out into the fresh air, break up the dishes or beat the pillow. Do not keep it to yourself and try to focus your attention on something positive.