Catharsis - what is it in philosophy and psychology?

When studying psychology and other directions, many are interested in the question that this is catharsis. The very concept appeared in ancient Greek philosophy. It is described as a process of acute negative experience, which has a long character, but when it reaches a peak point, it turns into a positive one.

What does catharsis mean?

What does catharsis mean depends on the aspect in which the term is used. As a rule, it means the process of purification from negative emotions . The concept was suggested by Aristotle, in his work "Poetics". The main characters were in a state of inner purification, which is aimed at achieving harmony of the soul and body. In different teachings and practices, he was mentioned by many philosophers, psychologists and psychoanalysts.

Completion of the process of catharsis involves the release of mental energy or repressed affect. The process of catharsis consists of the following stages and, depending on the situation, a person must be able to control himself:

Catharsis - Psychology

Catharsis is a special method in psychology that allows you to perform emotional and sensual relaxation. The methodology allows to achieve such results, which will have an influential value on a person:

Some psychologists say that catharsis is an art, and that this is confirmed in practice. It is believed that the term in psychology appeared thanks to Sigmund Freud, who proposed a cathartic method involving the transfer into the consciousness of memories and feelings with negative energy, which subsequently leads to emotional relaxation.

Catharsis in Psychoanalysis

In the practice of psychoanalysis, the use of the cathartic method is a frequent occurrence. It was created to analyze and identify the motives of human behavior. Emotional catharsis is seen as a combination of ways to identify the experiences and actions of a person that are caused by unconscious motives. Techniques allow you to identify repressed ideas, which contributes to their effective elimination. Application of the method for psychotherapeutic purposes, provides for such techniques:

Catharsis in Philosophy

Catharsis - this in philosophy is an achievement of cult cleanness. His goal is to prepare for a meeting with sacred reality, by eliminating various types of temptations. Spiritual purification occurs through the following emotions manifested by man:

The term ancient Greek philosophy and ethics provides for emotional discharge, and the mystical purification of the soul. A person gets rid of the manifestations of sensuality and bodily mud, which are passions at certain moments of life. About this concept mentioned Aristotle, Heraclitus, Pythagoras, Plato and many other philosophers that can be observed in their teachings.

The mechanism of catharsis

Achievement of catharsis requires certain factors. A person must go through several stages, among which:

The effect of catharsis comes only when a person consciously applies the technique and seeks to solve their inner-personal problems. In order to achieve catharsis, do a few manipulations.

  1. Concentrate your attention to the existing problem.
  2. Reproduce exactly your feelings.
  3. Concentrate on those experiences that have reached the peak point.

How to achieve catharsis?

The state of catharsis is due to hard work on oneself. As a rule, in order to achieve it, you need to have some experience in psychology or psychoanalysis. An experienced psychologist or psychotherapist can apply the presented method to reveal the patient's negative emotions, which can be hidden very deeply. To do this, he must consciously want to resolve the intra-personal conflict.

As a rule, initially a person is afraid of passing cases that have negative character. He also does not want to carry out a conscious movement towards frustration. The longer he does not want to accept what happened, the farther away from him is the onset of catharsis. As soon as there is a desire to go forward, the problems will gradually be solved, and the emotional catharsis will be brought closer, which will allow achieving harmony.