Unconscious and consciousness

Consciousness and the unconscious are part of our psyche . The problem is that consciousness can not control the unconscious, which is the most important part of the human soul. Let's look at this in more detail.

Consciousness and the unconscious for Freud

Sigmund Freud was the first scientist to say that inconspicuous processes are functioning in the human soul. According to him, each person has an internal duality, which he does not realize. In the unconscious there can be only that which was once in consciousness, for example, a fleeting thought or strong experiences that have been forgotten. There are those thoughts that are in conflict with our consciousness. They are unsuitable for the society, do not have the proper exit, that is, in fact, the situation is unresolved. The fact is that unconscious experiences continue to affect consciousness. A large amount of suppressed energy can have a negative impact on the psyche. The unconscious includes once experienced strong experiences, but they do not cause so much torment as thoughts that deprive the person of peace of mind.

From birth in the child develop morality. What is beneficial to society is good. What is not profitable for them is bad. We have a conscience instilled in us, which "punishes" us for "bad" deeds, and when a person discovers the "bad" in himself, he tries to hide everything, even from himself, with all his might. Thus, the unconscious manifests itself against the background of internal conflict. With a competent upbringing, this conflict can be reduced. Fortunately, our society begins to slowly but surely improve educational processes.

Consciousness and Unconsciously on Jung

Carl Jung was a disciple of Freud. At first he shared the views of his teacher, but after a certain time, there was a misunderstanding between them. Jung believed that the unconscious can get not only the lived thoughts, but also those that are inherited from all of humanity. He found many confirmations of how people of different cultures and nationalities showed similar psychic reactions. Thus, he created a new statement - the collective unconscious.

Despite the change of time and cultures, the problems of relations with the surrounding world remained the same. Without the unconscious, consciousness simply could not exist. It does not harm consciousness, but tries to bring it to balance. It turns out that the collective unconscious contains certain patterns of behavior in which people invest their experience. It puts before the person problems that must be solved for survival and evolution. Playing with our personality, the unconscious pushes it to mental development, because in each of us the need for developing a higher level of energy vibrations is naturally inherent, so it is important not just to exist but to fulfill the program of mental development.

Relationship of consciousness and the unconscious

The psychology of consciousness and the unconscious is very different. But in general, the psyche, consciousness and unconscious provide adaptability and adaptation of the individual to the world around him. The problem is that people try to suppress thoughts that are unpleasant to them, rather than calmly sort it out. From here begin the excitement, anxiety, panic, which leads to mental disorders.

The unconscious can "break" the narrow consciousness of a person. He does not care about his personal problems, emotions and goals.

To us to mind constantly comes a million thoughts and different questions. Do not run them out. Try to listen to the demands of your unconscious, and it will help you make great discoveries for yourself.