Burdock oil for the face

Many people know that this means helps the hair. But as it turned out, burdock oil is very suitable for the face. It has a mass of useful properties, favorably affects the epidermis and helps in solving various dermatological and cosmetological problems.

Is it possible to smear a face with burdock oil?

Years of experience shows that this substance actually acts very gently and can be applied on the delicate skin of the face. The composition of burdock oil speaks for itself. It contains a huge amount of vitamins of different groups, zinc, iron, copper, manganese, inulin, tannins. Thanks to them, burdock oil for the skin of the face can:

First of all, it is recommended to use burdock oil for the wearer of aging skin, as well as for girls suffering from peeling, enlargement of pores or overly increased fat content of the skin.

You can use the tool not only for the face. It works well on the skin. Makes it more pleasant to the touch, smooths the color and helps maintain in good tone. The substance is recommended to be added to body creams. And with it, you get excellent wellness baths.

How can I use burdock oil for the face?

Like any oil, burdock is sold fairly concentrated. Use it in this form is not recommended - you can get burns. Concentrate is advisable to use only to treat acne, acne and other dermatological problems. In this case, you need to drop one or two drops of the drug into the problem site and leave it absorbed.

To apply burdock oil for the face from acne, you need to dilute it with a small amount of water (in a ratio of one to one - ideally). Pre-clean the skin with a decoction of chamomile or linden, and then gently massaging the movements rub the healing mixture. The massage should be continued about three minutes. Even if after that on the surface there will be a little money, it's okay. Do not rinse it, eventually the oil will absorb into the epidermis completely.