How to plant the apple in autumn?

Apples are rightfully considered a fetus, their rich vitamin-mineral complex helps the body to function properly, and cleans from harmful toxins. A person who has tasted the fruit of apples will never refuse to plant this wonderful fruit on his plot.

Once planting an apple-tree in your own area, you have the opportunity to receive up to 40 years in reward for its delicious fruits. This popular tree at first glance seems unpretentious, but many gardeners have already learned from the bitter experience that the tree needs competent care. Pruning of old branches, inoculation with other varieties, treatment against diseases, etc. And most importantly, in order for the apple tree to grow well and bear fruit, you need to know how to plant it properly.

Correct planting of apple in autumn

There are two types of apple trees: colonial and ordinary. When planting a column-shaped apple tree in autumn, the planting scheme is as follows: planting should be at a distance of 40 cm in a row and 2 m between rows. The pit for this species should not be more than 50x50 cm. Fertilize completely all the soil allocated for planting. This is somewhere around 20 kg of compost per 1 m & sup2, nitrogen fertilizer - 70 g, superphosphate 50 g. After that, all the soil is digested.

If you need to plant a few trees, planting holes are recommended to dig under each seedling. Well, in other respects, the technology of planting a column-shaped apple tree is exactly the same as when planting an ordinary apple tree.

How to plant the apple seedlings in the fall?

Planting of young apple trees in autumn should begin with the preparation of soil and pit. Soils: gravelly, stony, swampy - not suitable for apple trees. The soil must be well permeable to water and air. Groundwater should lie from 2.5 meters, no less.

A pit for apple seedlings should be prepared in a month. For this, a depth of 0.7 m deep is excavated in the soil, and a diameter of 1 m. When digging, do not mix the fertile top layer of the earth with the bottom layer. When the pit is excavated, in the middle of it, beat in a peg, the thickness of which is 5 cm, and the length is such that the peg protrudes from the pit by 40-50 cm. In order to protect the peg from decay, the lower part of it must be burned.

Further, the correct planting of apple trees in autumn involves the preparation of a fertile mixture. It is necessary to mix the top layer of the earth with compost, peat, humus, organic fertilizers, and if the soil is clay, then add sand. All this mixture is poured out into the pit to the top, so that only a small hill would rise above the surface. And leave the pit alone for a month.

The planting time for apple trees falls in the period from September 20 to October 15.

Rules for planting apple trees in autumn

The most important stage has come. Carefully examine the root system of the seedling, the color should be white, if it is dark, brown - means spoiled. Damaged tissues are cut, healthy ones are cut to a living tissue by 2-3 cm.

In the pit, which we prepared a month earlier, we make a hole, at the bottom of the hole from the chernozem we form a small mound (so as not to burn the roots with fertilizer). The sapling should be inserted so that the peg is from it from the south. The root neck should rise about 5 cm above the surface.

The roots well spread out over the hill, and sprinkled with their fertile soil. It is necessary to tamp down properly, so as not to damage the roots. When the root system falls asleep, you need to periodically shake the seedling, then there will be a complete filling of voids between the roots, and they will not dry up.

Next, we tie the seedling of the eight to the peg. Watering the apple trees after planting in autumn is mandatory: in each hole you need to pour 2-3 buckets of water, then cover with humus.

Pruning of apple seedlings during planting in the fall is not performed, pruning should be done with trees that have already taken root and which have grown in a season.

With the correct planting, timely and proper care, you will get a very good and rich harvest.