Montbretzia - planting and care in the open ground, tips for successful growing

The flower of the plant, planting and care in the open ground of which, according to the strength of any gardener, will decorate the site with bright flowers and preserve this beauty until the cold autumn. Shrubs practically do not require attention, the main conditions for abundant flowering are nutrient soil and a lot of light.

Crocosmia on flowerbeds

The value of this plant in its long and abundant flowering. Approximately from the middle of summer and until September, juicy greens will advantageously shade bright shades of red. Montbretzia in landscape design will be an excellent solution for a beginner, because the bushes are suitable for open flower beds and do not require complex maintenance.

  1. For each region and taste preferences there is a variety. Emily Mc Kenzie differs late flowering, the flowers are very bright saturated orange-red hue. Variety Star of the East will decorate the flower beds before the first frost, suitable for cold regions. The height of the bush of the Lucifer variety reaches one and a half meters, it is used for landscape compositions in large open areas.
  2. The peculiarity of making compositions is to prevent a close neighborhood between different varieties. Cross-pollination is the main problem in nursing, but it will not be difficult to solve it.
  3. The place for the flower bed should be chosen light, because the brightness of the flowering will provide enough sunlight.

Montbretzia - growing and care in the open ground

In many respects the abundance of flowering and juiciness of green mass depends on the type of soil on the site. For the crocosmia, planting and care in the open ground is simplified if the site is correctly selected.

  1. The soil must be loose and nutritious, rich in humus. Prepare a place for planting is desirable in the autumn: to make sand and mineral fertilizers there, so that the bulb can breathe and receive a lot of nutrients.
  2. If the site is chosen to be shady, the green will stretch out and be bright, but flowering can not wait. The sun is important for this flower, as the lack of drafts and wind.
  3. Embarkation of montbretion and care in the open ground are reduced to regular watering, tying of peduncles to pegs, if they start to slope to the ground. Always cut off the faded stems, so that the rhizomes get enough nutrients.

How to prepare a solid corms for a planting fit?

In the second half of autumn, corms are excavated before the beginning of frost. To sustain in the open ground they should be the longest possible period, because this is the period of the growth of children. Then begins preparations for disembarkation next year.

  1. After digging, the nest with tubers is separated from the stem and dried for a few days.
  2. Until next season harvested corms will lay in the cellar at a temperature of about 5-10 ° C. They pour dry peat and put them in boxes.
  3. A month before landing, in March, the boxes are moved to warm up in the room for several days.
  4. Preparation of the crowns of the crocosmium for planting consists in detaching the children from the main tuber. Next, cut off the remains of roots and stem, remove the dry shell.

Montbretia - germination of bulbs

Stimulation of growth by soaking planting material increases the resistance of plants to various diseases, provides for planting strength. For corms, the germination is combined with disinfection. A 1% solution of potassium permanganate after several hours of exposure will relieve the characteristic problems with decay and fungus, will accelerate the growth of the stem.

How and when to install a montbretion?

Every year, with proper care, the mother bulb grows five children, the next year they will bloom. After separation of the growth, the main bulb will continue to bloom. When the planting material is correctly stored and prepared for planting, it remains only to correctly position it on the site.

  1. In each region, the soil warms up unequally, so there is no need to talk about any specific terms. Approximately at the end of April, the soil is heated to 9-10 ° C, these are conditions that are acceptable for tubers.
  2. As soon as the period has come when to plant the bulbs of the crocosmium, we begin to prepare the holes. Large bulbs should be buried at a depth of approximately 8 cm, the distance between adjacent plantings should not be less than 12 cm. If the planting material is small, it is buried 5 cm, leaving 6 cm to the next landing.
  3. Good results are obtained by preliminary growth in the pot. Then the tuber will go to its permanent place with the clod of land only in May or early June.

Montbretzia - preparation for winter

Almost all species perfectly winter, for the cold regions mulching is recommended. At the top of the planting are covered with compost and covered with a heater: straw, bark, dry leaves. This is an important point of care if winter is expected to be a little snowy. Northern cold regions, even winter-resistant varieties are capable of ruining, therefore around the second half of October the tubers are dug together with the children. Storage of the assembly in winter is carried out at a temperature of 10 ° C in conditions that prevent the tubers from drying out.