How to water the seedlings?

To grow strong seedlings, it is very important to know how to water it. Despite the fact that the irrigation procedure seems very simple, you need to pay attention to a lot of points.

How correctly to water the seedlings?

The correct watering of seedlings is carried out in several stages:

  1. Watering when planting seeds . The soil prepared for planting seeds is well watered. On its surface, the seeds are laid out, on top of them they fall asleep with dry, loose earth. Many people have a question: is it necessary to water the seedlings before the shoots? It is recommended to check how moist the soil remains. If necessary, it is slightly moistened (so that the surface is without crusts) with a small watering can. After emergence of shoots, watering is stopped for 2-3 days, so that they are properly strengthened. Then the seedlings are plowed up to the cotyledonous leaves.
  2. Watering small shoots . It is produced with great care, so as not to damage the seedlings. The earth is moistened around the plants to prevent the formation of water near their roots. This is done so that the disease does not develop a black leg, which can occur at the point of contact of the stem at its exit from the ground. If seedlings are planted in cups, then it is recommended to water them on their perimeter, if in the boxes water is poured specially made in the ground grooves.
  3. Watering of sprouted seedlings . After the shoots grow, and their root system gets stronger, watering can be done by pouring water into the pan. The roots will already have enough strength to pull water from the bottom.

There are cases when seeds are planted using the "snail" method . In this novice gardeners are interested in: how to water the seedlings in snails? Seedlings are moistened from above, watering is carried out very carefully.

Water for watering seedlings

Water, which is used for watering seedlings, must be of high quality and meet the following requirements:

Many people prefer to use tap water or distilled water.

Experienced gardener answer yes to the question: is it possible to water the seedlings with rainwater? It is enriched in oxygen and has a neutral reaction. To reduce the likelihood of chemicals falling into the water, one should adhere to such rules when collecting it:

Compliance with these simple rules will help you properly watering the seedlings.