Reproduction of grapes by cuttings

Practically every beginning gardener is interested in the question of how to plant grapes with cuttings. The fact is that this is the simplest and most effective way, which does not require large monetary costs.

How to plant grapes with cuttings?

For this method, green summer cuttings or stiff winter ones are taken. In autumn, harvesting planting material. For this, choose the best varieties of grapes. Harvesting occurs during pruning of bushes. This period falls at the end of September and beginning of October. Choose the middle part of the fertilized summer shoots, or shoots after cutting into a knot placement.

The diameter of the cut should be about 10 mm, the length of the internodes is about 10 cm. There are varieties with narrow witches. After trimming, the vine should be cleaned of leaves and antennae. Cut the cuttings into 3-4 parts. Further it is necessary to soak during the day of the preparation, then decontaminate in a solution of iron sulfate and dry it.

The next stage in the propagation of grapes by cuttings is their correct preparation. The knife should be cut: from the lower kidney at a distance of 5 mm straight, the upper inclined a couple of centimeters above the upper kidney. Using a needle on the underside, you need to make a pair of furrows 3 cm long, with the bark cut only to the bast. Additional roots are formed from such furrows.

Now it's time to disassemble, when to plant cuttings of grapes. In winter (around the beginning of February), the cuttings must be removed and damped in warm, dewatered water for two days, changing it daily. After this, the billets are kept in the growth stimulator for a day. Now our cuttings can be planted. Cut off the top of the plastic bottle and make a few holes in the bottom. At the bottom of the drainage, top 10 spoons of soil. We put the stalk in such a way that its upper kidney was on a level with the bottle. All fall asleep with old steamed sawdust. At the end, cover with a plastic cup. Water should be from below with the help of pallets.

Preliminary, it is possible to germinate the roots of seedlings with wet foam. To do this, put a piece of sponge on the bottom of the plastic bag and insert the stalk into it. The heel of the heel rest in damp foam and wrap. Within 10 days such a workpiece is in the cabinet. After this period you will be able to see if there are roots on the cuttings. This method is good because you can select in advance those cuttings that have germinated. This significantly saves space on the windowsill. The presence of roots at a temperature of about 25 ° C promotes the rapid growth of the root system. Thus, the development of the seedlings is significantly accelerated.

Reproduction of grapes by green cuttings

Green cuttings of grapes are not much more complicated. Prepare the cuttings 10 days before flowering. Such cuttings are obtained after breakage or pasynkovaniya. They are immediately put in a bucket of water, the shoots are cut into two-leged cuttings and sent back into the water. Lower leaves are removed completely, and the upper leaves are cut to half. Billets are planted in boxes or cups and pritenyayut until the moment when the seedling does not move in growth. In autumn, the plants are sent home to the cellar, and in the spring the propagation of grapes begins with cuttings.

Cutting girlish grapes is even easier. For reproduction of girlish grapes cuttings are selected by lignified cuttings, which take root very easily, they can be immediately planted in the soil. Between the seedlings leave about 1 meter. Green cuttings are less common, as it is more troublesome and requires artificial mist conditions.