How often to water cucumbers in a greenhouse?

Cucumbers are green, pimply, crunchy friends from our very childhood. Who among us in the garden of my grandfather and grandmother did not leak secretly into the greenhouse, in order to tear off a fragrant and warm cucumber from the garden? And today we, such grown-ups, have already built a greenhouse and grow our own crop.

In the process of horticultural activity, we ask the most diverse questions, and watering, as a fundamental factor in the success of the whole enterprise, becomes at the forefront. We just need to know how much and how often to water the cucumbers in the greenhouse . The answers to these and other questions will be considered in this article.

The regime and ways of watering cucumbers in the greenhouse

The greenhouse is a great way to get an early and more abundant harvest. Unlike the cultivation of vegetables in the open, there are some features here, to know and to consider which are necessary. And one of such features is how often to water cucumbers grown in a greenhouse.

Adhere to the rule: the soil in the greenhouse under the cucumber should always be moist, but in no way waterlogged. There is a fine line here that you need to be able to feel, because both excess and lack of moisture are destructive to the plant, leading to ovaries failure, deformation of fruits, yield reduction in the end.

It is impossible to allow sharp fluctuations in the soil moisture level. That is, if the earth has dried up, and then suddenly you have abundantly moistened it, it is not good. Such processes lead to root cracking and development of root rot.

Do I need to water cucumbers every day: if the weather is hot, this is permissible. At the same time, the water flow should be 5-10 liters per square meter.

With cloudy weather and moderate heat, how many times a week to water cucumbers: when the sun is not in the maximum active range, watering should be done less often, monitoring the condition of the soil. Usually 1-2 waterings per week are enough.

In the greenhouse practice, during the period of the beginning of fruiting, short-term drying of the soil is used to speed up the process. This reduces the development of green mass and directs the plant's "efforts" to form a crop.

Concerning the ideal time for irrigation, different sources give conflicting information. Some advise watering in the evening when the water in barrels or other containers is already sufficiently warmed up, and additionally it is motivated by the fact that the main process of growth occurs at night. Others urge watering in the morning, so that in the greenhouse during the day formed a moist microclimate due to the evaporation of moisture under the influence of the sun.

Both those and others have sufficient grounds to consider their recommendations to be correct. And what you choose - it's yours. Try both ways and watch the result. Personal experience will show what specifically suits you more.

Methods of watering cucumbers in the greenhouse

To ensure that after watering the ground is not heavily compacted and the roots of the plant are not exposed, it is best to water not directly from a hose, but use a sprinkler. Can be used watering can with a scattering spout. So the soil is not washed under a strong and point-directed flow, but evenly soaked in moisture, supplied under a weak pressure due to scattering it into many streams.

Alternatively, you can use drip irrigation, just make sure that the water temperature is not lower than 23-25 ​​° C. Categorically not suitable for cucumber under-watering.

After watering

If it so happens that the soil is heavily compacted, you need to fork it to swell it without going deeper. Remember that the roots of cucumbers pass very close to the surface. During the season, sometimes 2-3 additional layers of soil should be poured in order to prevent the roots from escaping outwards.