Why the leaves curl at the currant?

Year on year is not necessary, and the fertile season can be replaced by a painful and poor harvest. It is unpleasant to observe how on lovingly grown plants there suddenly appear defeats and signs of ill health. And the sooner it becomes possible to understand why the leaves curl at the currant, the earlier one can take action.

Why do the currant leaves blush and curl?

The reasons for this phenomenon can be a few matter either in sickness or in pests.

  1. Buckwheat rust. Most of all currant varieties of this disease are susceptible to black currant - it twists the leaves, there are reddish pads under which spores develop. On cultural plants, spores fall with the wind, if there are sedge fields nearby.
  2. Methods of combating glassy rust:

  • Redheaded aphid. Otherwise it is called currant hairy aphid. Her black oblong eggs are able to winter on the shoots and with the arrival of a new season to get out of them and settle under the blossoming currant leaves. Their vital activity, they severely harm the plant, sucking out the juice, resulting in the leaves begin to dry out, twist, and in places of congestion of parasites - expand, blush and swell. As a result, young shoots are bent, cease to grow, leaves first curl, and then turn black and fall off.
  • Methods of fighting aphids: