Porcine ears in Korean

Korean cooking has much in common with other widely known Oriental cuisines: Chinese and Japanese. Like the Chinese neighbors, Koreans are eager to eat pork and various offal. For example, a dish of bull tails - honking, is one of the most important in the Korean court kitchen. This kind of cooking stands out in the national cuisine, as the most refined, and in the olden days was intended for high-ranking nobles.

Another feature of Korean food is the abundant use of various spices, the main one being red pepper, thanks to which many national dishes have orange and red colors.

The proposed recipe for pork ears in Korean will attract admirers of dietary nutrition, because this is a very low-calorie product, fats are 2%. This subproduct is rich in Group B vitamins and macro- and microelements, especially iron. In addition, the dish is distinguished by its excellent taste, which will make it the highlight of the program on your table.

Selection of by-product and treatment before preparation

In order to cook marinated ears in Korean, first you need to choose the necessary by-products. In the meat market or a hypermarket we buy pig ears. They should be well processed: scoured and carefully scraped. Upon arrival home we rub the remains of the bristles, wash them and place them in a saucepan on a small flame in salted water for about 2 hours. At the end of cooking, the broth is drained into a separate container and we leave the ears to cool in a saucepan covered with a lid.

If the offal is not cooled, then in the dish, they will stick together, turning into a homogeneous mass of the holland type. A cooled ears perfectly retain their integrity, so the ready dish will look more appetizing.

How to cook Korean ears - recipe



When cooking the ears at the very end, throw spices - bay leaves, peppercorns and kidneys of cloves. By the way, the remaining boiled broth after cooking, can be used to make soup or a jellied dish. Chilled offal is cut very narrow strips, ending at the border of the fleshy part - it is not needed in the salad, but it can be eaten (with the bread quite tasty!) In a deep plate we spread the cut ears, sprinkle a pinch of sugar, add table vinegar and all spices, carefully stir all the ingredients to make the sugar completely dissolved.

We crush the garlic, fry it for a few seconds in the heated frying pan, so that the oil absorbs the garlic flavor, and pour the ears with fragrant oil. Salad will be - delicious!

There is another wonderful recipe for pork ears in Korean.

Porcine ears in Korean - prescription2


In general, the components remain the same as in the first recipe. The only thing is to take an extra 3 large carrots and 1 large onion.


We wash, clean and three carrots on a special Korean grater (available for sale), cut the onion rings. In a frying pan pour on the bottom of vegetable oil. We spread the grated carrots and the ears cut into strips of incandescent oil. Constantly stirring, fry on a large flame for one minute. Put the mixture in a bowl with spices, salt, pressed garlic. We withstand in the cold 2 hours. We put the salad on the table in the form of a cold dish. Connoisseurs consider pork ears in Korean as an excellent snack for beer.

We hope that the unusual dish - pickled pork ears in Korean will be your specialty.