Polendvitsa at home - prescription

Polendvitsa is an excellent invention of Belarusian cuisine and represents a salted hunk of meat with subsequent natural drying. It results in an incredibly delicious meat delicacy, which has a significant advantage over purchased sausage products. For its preparation using the most natural ingredients and spices, and no artificial flavor enhancers, dyes and other hazards.

How to pickle the country house in a rural way?



When starting to pickle the polandwicks at home under this recipe, we clean the garlic and finely cut with a knife, and grind the peas of black pepper thoroughly in a mortar. Mix the garlic mass and crushed pepper with cumin and salt. A cut of pork loin can be left whole piece or cut into two parts, and then washed and thoroughly dried. Now we roll the meat from all sides in a spicy mixture, thoroughly rubbing it and again panning. Spices with salt should completely cover the surface of meat pieces.

We put the meat in an enamel or glass container, sprinkle with the remains of a spicy mixture, place the load on top, cover the container with a lid and place it in the refrigerator for six to seven days, turning the meat daily.

After the time has elapsed, we remove the polandzic from the colander, set over the pan and leave it for a while to completely drain the juices. Then wrap the pendente in a gauze cut, folded at least four times, tie it with a thin clean twine and hang it in the kitchen near the stove or on the balcony. Leave the meat for about three weeks. The holding time depends on the desired degree of softness of the finished product.

This polandvitsa, cooked at home, is much more budgetary and tastier than purchased. At the same time, you will be completely sure of its naturalness.

Poultry chicken in the home - recipe



To make chicken poultry house chicken, pour cleaned water into a saucepan, throw the ground and whole bay leaves, carnation buds, mustard seeds and dill, add salt, heat the mass to a boil, boil for about five minutes, and let it cool down completely. We put in the cooled brine the fillet of chicken breast and leave for five days in a sufficiently ventilated place, ideally on the balcony.

After the time has elapsed, we extract the chicken meat from the brine, let it drain, and dry it with napkins. We clean garlic teeth, grind them through a grater, mix with sugar, horseradish, dried herbs of parsley and dill and rub the carefully received spicy mixture of chicken breast. Then wrap it in parchment paper and leave it for twenty-four hours at room temperature. Then we put the meat in a colander over the pan, press it with something heavy and leave it for another day to get rid of the juices. After that, we remove the remnants of the spicy mixture with a knife, wrap the meat in a gauze cut, folded at least four times, bind the bundle tightly with twine and hang it in the kitchen or balcony and dry it for ten to fifteen days.