Carpaccio made from veal

Carpaccio - a dish that is thinly sliced ​​raw meat, seasoned with olive oil and lemon juice. Traditionally, carpaccio is made only from beef, but now other meat, vegetables, fish and even fruits are cooked in this way. We offer you today recipes for making juicy veal carpaccio .

Veal carpaccio at home



Now tell you how to make veal carpaccio. So, the meat is tightly wrapped in a food film, give it a cylindrical shape and put it away for 30 minutes in the freezer. We chop frozen veal across the fibers into small pieces with a sharp knife. Then we cover the food film on the working surface, we lay out the pieces of meat on top and then close it again with a film. Slightly beat the meat with a hammer. Now take a nice serving plate, pour a little oil on it, spread the prepared meat, sprinkle with pepper, sprinkle with olive oil, soy sauce and lime juice. We decorate veal carpaccio with arugula and sprinkle with grated cheese.

The recipe for veal carpaccio


For sauce:


Cut veal fillet along and unfold. The resulting layer is slightly repulsed. Mozzarella grind small slices. Basil washed and parsed on leaves. The beaten meat is salted to taste, pepper, spread on one side of the leaves of basil and slices of mozzarella. Roll the roll and quickly fry it on vegetable oil to make a white crust on top. Then tightly wrap it with food film and remove it for 4 hours in the freezer. And this time while we are making sauce: red onion rub on the grater, merge excess liquid, add vinegar, soy sauce and olive oil, mix everything thoroughly. Frozen roll thinly sliced, spread beautifully on a plate, pour sauce and decorate with crushed arugula.