Postoperative diet

The postoperative period assumes a special approach to the patient, the course of treatment, the observance of a diet specially designed to restore his health.

It is worth noting that the diet after surgery in the human body includes a specially designed nutrition system. What products are allowed or contraindicated to the patient, depends on the damaged organs. The option of an individual menu is not excluded. In this case, it is the attending physician.

Diet after surgery - basic rules

Before proceeding to a more detailed examination of the question of what a post-operative diet should be, it is important to remember the following recommendations:

Zero diet after surgery

This type of diet doctor appoints in the case of surgery on the intestines or stomach, with circulatory disorders in the brain, the emergence of feverish conditions.

It includes the reception of jelly-like or liquid dishes. Allowed to take kissels, fresh, light broth, tea with a small amount of sugar. Milk and heavy products are strictly forbidden.

The diet lasts no more than 2 days.

Slag-free diet after surgery

Such a diet is prescribed for those who have undergone operations of anal fissure, hemorrhoids, prostate adenoma. The diet excludes beans, cabbage, radish, milk, apples , gooseberries, rye bread, spicy greens. Cereals of buckwheat and millet are allowed, chicken, white bread.

Protein diet after surgery

Diet 11 or protein, is recommended for those who have undergone surgery on the heart. In the postoperative period, it is recommended to consume up to 150 grams of protein per day, about 4000 kcal and not more than 400 grams of carbohydrates, 100 grams of fat.