Diet with flatulence and swelling

Unpleasant sensations in the abdomen, caused by increased gas formation, are familiar to many people. And someone such a state becomes chronic. They need special food. Diet in flatulence and swelling has its own specifics.

Diet rules for bloating and flatulence

It is necessary to remove from the daily menu products provoking gas formation: legumes, raw fruits and vegetables , yeast pastries, soda, potatoes, boiled eggs, millet porridge, soy products, spices. With flatulence, biscuits of white or whole grain bread, steamed or steamed vegetables and fruits, lean meat, fish and seafood, eggs, broths, greens, buckwheat and rice on the water, kefir, vegetable juices diluted with water are shown.

In addition, during a diet with gassing and bloating should be eaten in small portions every 2-3 hours. To transmit is highly undesirable. The daily diet should be reduced to 2000-2300 kcal. You can not drink food, you should drink water an hour before meals and at least one and a half liters per day. Dishes should be warmed up, but not hot.

The diet menu for bloating and flatulence

You should plan your menu in advance. So it will be easier to calculate the calorie rate and not to overeat. The daily menu for bloating may be as follows: