How to teach a puppy to toilet on the street?

If a four-legged friend or a puppy is already living with you in your house, you need to know how to teach him to use the toilet on the street. Ticking his nose in a puddle, beating and swearing will not help. There are more effective measures.

From what age do you teach the puppy to the toilet?

You can teach from any age, but you need to consider that at the age of 1-3 months the puppy will learn more, because he is small and can not stand it for long. At the age of 4-5 months your pet can already wait for the owners from work, so the process will go faster.

Sometimes the failure is not due to the age of the dog, but to the wrong actions of its owner. They can delay the training process or even completely reduce all efforts to no.

How to teach a puppy to go to the toilet?

Instead of accustoming the dog to newspapers at home, it is better to immediately start taking him outside. A crumb at 1-3 months should be led to the street more often: after each feeding, sleeping, active games. Also, pay attention to the behavior of the puppy: if he turns and worries, immediately take him to the street - this behavior indicates that he is looking for a place to help the need.

When you went out into the street and the puppy went to the toilet , be sure to praise him with kind words like "good", "clever". Do not skimp on praise, praise it vigorously and with all your heart. You can also give a treat - it should be at your fingertips. If the puppy does a puddle at home, look him straight in the eye and say in a stern voice, " Foo! ". Do not shout, just be harsh at this moment. Can the first couple of times slightly slap naughty croup.

At night, the puppy should be kept in an arena, enclosure or separate room. And if for the whole day you go to work, cover the floor with newspapers or diapers. Over time, when the puppy will get used to wait for the owner, they will not necessarily be laid out.

If the puppy is more than 3 months old, it should be taken out after sleeping, eating and playing, as well as praising for good luck and scolding for "accidents". At this age the dog already understands the commands better, praise and swearing, and he is also able to tolerate and not to foul at home for longer.

What if the dog just walks on the street, but there are no hints of the toilet? Increase the time of walking, engage with her active games. This will provoke the puppy and he necessarily "descends" to the toilet. In the warm season you can take a little water with you.

If you do everything right, the result will not take long. Dogs are very intelligent animals and quickly understand the praise and strict voice of the owner, they will try to please him until the toilet on the street becomes a habit.