How to deal with a carrot fly in the garden?

Carrot fly plague gardeners, destroying the crop not only of carrots, but also celery , parsnips and parsley, as its gastronomic preferences extend to these crops too. A frequent cause of its appearance on the site is a favorable environment for its development - high humidity and average air temperature.

In addition to human-independent reasons, failure to observe the correct crop rotation and other agrotechnical techniques on the site can be called. What to do if the carrot fly has already settled in the garden, how to get rid of it - we'll talk about this in our article.

Carrot fly - how to fight it?

If the time of preventive measures to combat the carrot fly is lost, the following means must be used:

  1. Spraying carrots with wormwood tincture. To do this, take fresh wormwood, chop it finely and put in a large 10-liter bucket, pour into it a steep boiling water and let it brew. After this infusion, strain and divide into three equal parts. Each of them dilute 8 liters of water and pour such a solution of beds with carrots. Remains of wormwood can be put in the aisle. It is advisable to repeat the procedure after a month.
  2. Spraying with infusion of tomato leaves. Take 4 kg of leaves, chop and put in a 10-liter bucket, pour water. After that, put the bucket on the fire and boil the mixture for half an hour, then let it brew for 4-5 hours. Then strain the infusion and add 50 ml of liquid soap. Directly before spraying, the liquid must be diluted with water in a proportion of 1 to 5 or 1 to 3.
  3. Spraying with infusion of garlic or onions. This folk remedy for carrot fly should be prepared from finely chopped and poured with 2 liters of boiling water cloves of garlic or onions (300 g). After a day, dilute the concentrate with 10 liters of water and pour 30 milliliters of liquid soap. You can start spraying.

Also there are ready preparations from a carrot fly, for example - "Aktofit". Take 10 ml of biopreparation and dilute them in five liters of water. With the resulting liquid, treat the bed with carrots at a rate of 5 liters per 100 m & sup2.

There is a more radical way how to deal with a carrot fly in the garden. This refers to the use of chemical preparations such as "Decis", "Stefesin", "Volaton". However, this can only be resorted to as a last resort, since this can not but affect the health of those who will later eat carrots.