When does the child start to laugh?

They say that if you once hear how children laugh, you want to listen to it again and again. And really - the laughter of the baby is one of many joyful and long-awaited events that await parents in the first months of their child's life. Many mothers are especially jealous of the first manifestations of emotions, compare their child with peers, quietly envy the neighbors, whose kids supposedly burst into a happy laugh almost from the hospital, and begin to worry: why does my child not even smile.

To hurry the development of a baby is meaningless, because its emotional sphere is closely connected with physiology. The very first smile of an infant is, as a rule, a reflex character, is endogenous - that is, a response signal to feelings of satiety, warmth and peace. From the moment when the child begins to smile consciously (and it happens at the beginning of the second month of life) until the moment when the child starts to laugh, it takes several months. The first real smile is the result of recognizing your face and it turns out very inept. It is very important to support the baby in the first timid attempts to express their emotions - smile more often to him, and he will give you a reciprocal smile.

By 3-5 months, children start laughing. This is due to the fact that the child is forming the so-called "funnel", which connects emotional signals with facial muscles and gives out a generalized, general reaction in the form of laughter. Sometimes the child, for the first time hearing his own laughter, is frightened, but then realizes that he emits these sounds himself and begins to "train", so from the side it seems that the child laughs for no reason.

How to teach a child to laugh?

Of course, this formulation is not entirely correct, since it is impossible to teach this kid until his nervous system has matured sufficiently. But parents can quite stimulate this process, playing with the kid, telling him funny rhymes and rhymes, tickling and, of course, genuinely laughing and smiling. You can also cheer up the crumb with simple games, like "ku-ku", "on bumps, on bumps", "food, food, to the woman, to the grandfather". And, what is quite surprising, sometimes babies react with a gurgling laughter at long unfamiliar words, for example, of foreign origin.

Sometimes, together with the joy of the first laughter of the youngster, you may encounter some troubles.

The baby hiccups when he laughs

Laughter causes short and rapid contractions of the diaphragm, which can go into convulsions. To be frightened it is not necessary - to cope with a hiccup after laughter it is possible to swallow movements, therefore allow the kid to have a drink and distract it something, for example, entertaining game.

A child writes when he laughs

If from an intense laughter the child develops involuntary urination, and it can be determined already at an older age, when the child has long been accustomed to the pot and is quite able to control his needs, then, perhaps, the case of a violation of pelvic muscle tone and should seek advice to the urologist.