Moroccan pancakes - the best recipes for famous bagriera, muflets and their varieties

Moroccan pancakes are a traditional treat for North Africans. Unlike our rosy and delicate ones, these are kneaded on a fresh yeast dough and are fried in a dry frying pan on one side only, so that they turn out to be gentle, airy and porous, and impregnated with butter and honey sauce - juicy, aromatic and very sweet.

How to cook Moroccan pancakes?

Moroccan traditional pancakes are a muflet and bargir. Mouflet represents thin, hand-rolled pancakes, which are fried in a pile of several pieces at a time. Bargir is porous pancakes fried on one side. In this case, the dough is poured onto a cold frying pan and after each pancake is cooled under a stream of water.

  1. The main mistakes in the preparation of Moroccan pancakes concern the baking of bargira. The dough should be poured into a cold frying pan and fry only on one side.
  2. The dough should be poured into the center of the pan, not spreading over the entire surface.
  3. Pancakes can not be roasted, they must remain pale.

Moroccan pancakes Bagrir

Bargir is a recipe thanks to which our hostesses can make lush and porous pancakes no worse than Arab chefs. Moreover, all the ingredients for kneading the yeast dough are simple and accessible, and in order to master the cooking technique, you need to remember that the dough is laid out on a cold frying pan and baked on one side.



  1. Whisk dry ingredients with egg, oil, water.
  2. Leave for 40 minutes.
  3. Put a portion of dough into the center of a cold frying pan.
  4. Bake the pancake until it grabs.
  5. Lubricate Moroccan porous pancakes with honey and butter.

Moroccan pancakes - muflet

Moroccan pancakes - a recipe that introduces the most popular Arab delicacies. Pancakes - muflet deserve special attention. Mixed on a fresh yeast test, they are rolled into thin slices and baked in a stack, in the original manner, where each new pancake is put on fried.



  1. Knead the dough from flour, salt, water and yeast.
  2. Leave it for 10 minutes.
  3. Divide the mass into balls.
  4. Pour oil and leave for 20 minutes.
  5. Roll the ball into a thin pancake.
  6. Put into a frying pan and fry on both sides.
  7. Put a new pancake on it.
  8. Turn it over so that the second pancake is on the bottom, and the first one is on top.
  9. Put on the first pancake new and flip it down.
  10. Bake until a pile of 10 pancakes is found.

Moroccan pancakes made from foamy dough - recipe

Moroccan pancakes made from frothy dough are a popular fast food of North Africa, prepared right on the street. The peculiarity of pancakes is in a porous test, which, when baked unilaterally, forms a number of holes on the surface. Such pancakes are characterized by pale color and neutral taste. The latter is corrected with a sauce of butter and honey.



  1. Whisk all the dry ingredients with yolk, butter and water.
  2. Set aside for 45 minutes.
  3. Put the portion on a cold frying pan and fry the pancake on one side.
  4. Lubricate Moroccan foam pancakes with honey and butter.

Thin one-sided pancakes - recipe

Those wishing to bring Slavic flavor to Arabian pastries can bake Moroccan pancakes with milk. In this variant, the pancakes turn out to be tender, thin and retain their "1000 and 1 holes". However, it should be noted that milk in pure form makes the dough "flat", so it must be diluted with water and use the recipe for bagrira.



  1. Mix all the dry ingredients with milk, water, butter and egg.
  2. Leave for 40 minutes.
  3. Bake Moroccan pancakes on one side.

Moroccan pancakes without yeast

Moroccan pancakes are a recipe that can satisfy the wishes of even those who prefer baking without yeast . In this case it is a question of thin muffle pancakes, having two versions of preparation: with yeast and without yeast. In the latter variant, the dough turns drier, denser, has a damp taste and more resembles a fresh pita.



  1. From flour, water, 40 ml of oil and salt, mix the dough.
  2. Form balls, oil them and leave to rest for 20 minutes.
  3. Roll your hands in pancakes and fry according to the principle of a yeast muflet.

Moroccan pancakes on yogurt

Experienced housewives do not need to turn Moroccan one-sided pancakes into a delicate, airy delicacy. All because most of them make pancakes on kefir . It is ideal for pancakes bagriere from manga, which, after interaction with kefir, becomes softer, and the dough itself acquires splendor and rustles in a frying pan.



  1. Whisk all the dry ingredients with warm kefir, water, butter and yolks.
  2. Leave in the warmth for 30 minutes.
  3. Bake on one side.

Moroccan pancakes from manga

For many culinary experts, Moroccan pancakes from manga serve as an example of the right product. This is not surprising: the manga makes pancakes gentle, porous, airy and soft. Thanks to it, they are not stale for a long time, which is important for the African climate and for Europeans who want to make pancakes in reserve.



  1. Add sugar to the yeast and pour it in warm water for 15 minutes.
  2. Mix all the dry ingredients.
  3. Pour the yeast to them for 30 minutes in the heat.
  4. Roast Moroccan pancakes on one side.