Blood test for pregnancy

Nausea in the morning, breast swelling, chronic fatigue, change in taste - these first subjective signs of pregnancy are known to every woman. However, not always they point to the birth of a new life, and even such a serious "bell" as the delay of the monthly can not be guaranteed to confirm the onset of an "interesting situation". To dispel doubts the analysis on definition of pregnancy will help.

What tests show pregnancy?

The first thing that women do when they find a delay in menstruation is the pregnancy test. Its essence is simple: putting a strip of reagent in urine and waiting 5-10 minutes, we get the result: two strips - pregnancy has come, one strip - alas, you do not have to be yet.

Such tests are based on the detection of a human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) in the urine of a woman. This hormone is produced by the outer shell of the embryo (chorion) and almost always indicates the onset of pregnancy. In the first trimester with normal pregnancy, the concentration of hCG is doubled every two days.

Knowing this, some potential moms somehow believe that a general urine test also shows pregnancy. This is not so, the definition of pregnancy on the analysis of urine is impossible. For this, you will have to take a blood test for pregnancy.

What blood test shows pregnancy?

Some believe that the usual general blood test, in addition to the basic parameters, shows pregnancy. However, in medical practice, there is a special study that doctors call an analysis for hCG, as to find out if you become a mother, the same chorionic gonadotropin will help. Its concentration in the blood is much greater than in the urine, so laboratory analysis is much more accurate than the test strips sold in the pharmacy.

In addition, the number of hormones can determine how the pregnancy is developing. For example, if the indicators are below the norm, then it can talk about hCG in ectopic pregnancy . If the concentration of hCG is higher than normal, then this indicates a multiple pregnancy or possible deviations in the development of the fetus. Elevated hCG may be in women suffering from diabetes or taking hormonal contraceptives.

False positive pregnancy tests

Sometimes the elevated concentration of hCG does not at all indicate the onset of pregnancy, but is a sign of dangerous diseases:

Elevated levels of the hormone are observed when taking HCG preparations 2-3 days before the test, as well as after a recent abortion or spontaneous miscarriage.

How correctly to hand over the analysis of a blood on pregnancy?

Today, many laboratories offer a paid express blood test for pregnancy. This means that the results will be in your hands only a couple of hours after blood collection. However, if you are not in a hurry, you can save and completely free of charge to pass the analysis in the direction of the gynecologist.

Blood for the analysis of hCG is taken from the veins on an empty stomach. It is desirable to appear in the laboratory in the morning. If this is not possible, try not to eat anything for 4 hours. Before you pass the analysis, do not smoke or drink alcohol; any medications are also prohibited.

It is not necessary to take a blood test for pregnancy on the first day of the delay: the most reliable result will be a test conducted on 3-5 days of absence of menstruation. After 2-3 days, the analysis can be repeated.