Is it possible to get a pregnant woman in a church?

Not always pregnancy is planned, so at the time of its offensive, parents can simply live together, only planning to marry. There are also cases when a man and a woman have already registered a relationship and were going to soon pass the rite of blessing of their union in the church, being believers, but did not have time before they learned about the cherished two stripes. Therefore, the question of whether it is possible to get married to a pregnant woman in the church comes to the fore. People who are not quite versed in this matter often claim that this is unacceptable. Let us consider how the servants of the church themselves concern this question.

What should I know about the wedding during pregnancy?

If you are looking forward to the baby, but at the same time want to have the blessing of God on it, you will most likely go to the temple to tell you if you can marry a pregnant woman. The church treats this issue quite tolerantly and does not believe that performing a ritual in such a situation is a sin. Violation of God's commandments is the birth of a child out of wedlock, i. E. a life of fornication. Therefore, if you want to be answered to the question whether it is possible to get married during pregnancy, positively, yet first it is worth entering into a legal marriage, which is registered in the registry office.

Future mom and dad should know about the wedding in an "interesting" position the following facts:

  1. Any priest will immediately dispel your doubts as to whether a pregnant bride can be married. After all, a child is considered a gift from the Lord, who thus blessed the woman. Therefore, no punishment from above, if the spouses intend to lead a righteous life and join the child to the Orthodox faith, will not follow.
  2. The wedding ceremony is quite long and takes at least an hour. All this time the bride and groom must stand. A pregnant woman often feels weak, and her head may become dizzy. Therefore, it is necessary to inform in advance about the condition of the future mother to the servants of the church who will prepare the bench in advance so that she can sit down and rest.
  3. The length of the wedding dress should be necessarily below the knee. It is also desirable that it completely covers the chest and shoulders. Pregnant can and should be married in loose clothing that does not compress the abdomen and chest, then it will be easier to endure a prolonged stay in a close room. For the rite choose shoes with a closed nose, which will be most comfortable.