Reproduction of red currant cuttings in spring

Cuttings of red currant rooted worse than black, only 50%. To increase the indicator of obtaining quality seedlings, reproduction is recommended to be carried out in the autumn (end September - early October). But not always it can be done in the specified period, then the planting of the cuttings should be carried out immediately after the winter. From this article you will learn how to reproduce the red currant with cuttings in the spring.

Preparation of cuttings of red currant for planting

Cut currant cuttings for spring planting in the fall, before the onset of cold weather. To do this, take a healthy one-year-old lignified shoot and cut it into 25 cm. For rooting to be successful, there must be at least 6 kidneys on each root. From the cuttings obtained, all leaves should be removed and both ends covered with garden so that during the winter months it does not lose all moisture. They should be stored on the top shelf of the refrigerator or under a thick layer of snow on the street.

Rooting of cuttings of red currant

When the snow comes down and the earth warms up a little, you can start planting cuttings of red currant to obtain seedlings. First, prepare a place: dig a trench 15 cm deep and fertilize it. After this, cuttings are taken. They need to refresh the lower cut and process it as a growth stimulant. In the furrow, twigs should be placed at a distance of 20 cm so that under the ground there are 4 kidneys, and above - 2-3. Then gently fall asleep on the ground and tamper around the trunk. At the end of planting cuttings must be well watered.

To keep the moisture stored in the ground, the created bed should be covered in shreds. Use for this can be various materials: fine peat, humus, straw, sawdust or dense fabric. You can also cover the top of the cuttings cut off the top of the plastic bottle.

Care for planted cuttings in the first year of life

To get quality seedlings already in the middle of summer, cuttings should be regularly watered, monitor the condition of the mulching layer and, if necessary, replenish it. With proper care, root formation occurs quickly, and by the end of summer they can be transplanted to a permanent place. If you want, then with the transplant you can wait until the next spring, when the saplings will grow 3-4 new branches.

Knowing the features of red currant propagation by cuttings and further care for them, you will be able to provide your family with a lot of this useful berry .