Reye's syndrome

The syndrome of Ray (or Reye) has never been a common disease. This ailment is rare, but it poses a very serious danger to the body. It is believed that this is a childhood illness. It is really diagnosed mainly at the age of up to fifteen years. But several cases, when the syndrome struck and adults, medicine is also known. So, the disease does not "disdain" anyone.

Causes of Reye's Syndrome

For the first time the disease was discovered in 1963. Since then, it has been diagnosed in several hundred children every year. But so far no one has been able to determine the causes of this disease.

There is a high probability that Acetylsalicylic Acid affects the development of Ray's syndrome. Or, more precisely, the body's increased sensitivity to this substance. Specialists came to this conclusion, because most often the disease was diagnosed in patients with chickenpox, measles, flu, acute respiratory diseases and other ailments accompanied by fever, fever, fever. All of them took Aspirin in shock doses to facilitate their well-being.

Acetylsalicylic acid after penetration into the body quickly affects the cellular structures. And this, in turn, leads to a breakdown in the metabolism of fatty acids. As a consequence, the fatty infiltration of the liver develops, and the tissues of the organ gradually begin to degenerate. That's why specialists call this syndrome liver hepatic encephalopathy.

Affects Reye's syndrome and the work of the brain. His swelling begins. Similarly, the central nervous system responds to the disease. And the disease develops with all the accompanying processes very quickly.

Specialists also believe that Ray's syndrome can be inherited. That is, if someone from a blood relative has been diagnosed with an ailment, certain metabolic disorders can be implanted in the body at birth. Because of these disorders in the body, either some enzymes are missing or they are not working properly, and as a result, fatty acids do not break down.

Symptoms of Ray's Syndrome

The first anxious bell should be an attack of nausea with a very strong vomiting. With hepatic encephalopathy, the amount of glucose in the blood drops sharply. Therefore, the patient is troubled by weakness, severe drowsiness, lethargy, sometimes - loss of consciousness and cramps. In addition, with Ray's syndrome in adults, there may be:

Diagnosis, treatment and prevention of Ray's syndrome

One such analysis, which would have shown the presence of Ray's syndrome, no. To make a diagnosis, you need to give a lumbar puncture, a biopsy of the skin and liver, go through computer and magnetic resonance imaging, take blood tests.

The primary goal of the treatment is to prevent the destruction of the liver and the violation of its functions. For this, patients are injected with glucose. In addition to these, therapy involves the administration of mannitol, corticosteroids and glycerin. These substances help to remove cerebral edema. And that the therapy was effective, it is very important in the syndrome of Ray to completely stop taking Aspirin and all drugs containing acetylsalicylic acid.

Forecasts of hepatic encephalopathy are not the most favorable. In half the cases, the disease leads to death. But if the treatment is started on time, the liver and brain functions are quickly restored.