Fyodorov's glasses

The use of Fedorov's glasses is one of the methods by which you can correct your vision. It remains popular for several decades and can be used by both adults and children.

How do Fyodorov's glasses work? Can astigmatism and other ophthalmic diseases be cured with their help?

Fyodorov's glasses have plates completely covered with small holes. If you look through them at different objects, the light that passes through the optical eye axis hits the surface of the retina reflected from the object of interest. Diaphragmation with small holes greatly increases the sharpness of the images. As a result - everything seen by the eye becomes more clear.

Fedorov's glasses are considered a good simulator for the muscles of the eye. They do not allow the latter to atrophy, slow the loss of elasticity in the lens, promote the activation of metabolic processes, prevent cataracts and other ophthalmic ailments.

Advantages of Fyodorov glasses-simulators

Experts recommend using eyeglasses when: