Inflammation of the thyroid gland - symptoms

Inflammation of the thyroid gland or as it is called - thyroiditis - a problem quite common. Many women suffer from it. Thyroiditis is a group of diseases. Different types of inflammation of the thyroid gland are characterized by various symptoms. Knowing the latest, the fight against the disease can begin in a timely manner, which will help to achieve success in treatment.

The main causes of inflammation of the thyroid gland

Therioitis includes various types of inflammation, differing mainly only in the cause of appearance. It is believed that in most cases, inflammation of the thyroid gland leads to a lack of iodine in the body. And this is just one of many reasons.

So, depending on the origin, the types of thyroiditis are classified as follows:

  1. Subacute form of inflammation of the thyroid gland often appears after recovery from a viral disease. Sometimes the cause of the disease is poor heredity and chronic infections.
  2. Autoimmune inflammation of the thyroid gland in women is accompanied by an increase in the number of antibodies to healthy cells. This form of the disease is considered the most common. Autoimmune thyroiditis appears for the following reasons: poor heredity, an unfavorable ecological situation.
  3. As there is a fibrous thyroiditis, it is not known. There is reason to believe that this is a complication after autoimmune inflammation.
  4. Acute inflammation of the thyroid gland can be a consequence of radiation exposure, trauma, chronic infection or hemorrhage. The acute form of the disease can be purulent or purulent.

The main signs of inflammation of the thyroid gland

Of course, one of the main signs of the disease, characteristic of all forms of the disease, is inflammation. The neck in the thyroid gland becomes softer and too sensitive to touch. With pressure, the patient can feel severe pain.

Other common symptoms of thyroiditis are as follows:

  1. One of the symptoms of inflammation of the thyroid gland can be considered pain in the throat when swallowing.
  2. Signs of thyroiditis and accelerated heartbeat - in some patients, the pulse reaches hundreds of beats per minute.
  3. A sharp change in mood, depression, anxiety - all these are the consequences of a change in the hormonal background that can occur with inflammation of the thyroid gland.

Depending on the type of inflammation of the thyroid nodule, additional symptoms may appear:

  1. So, for example, subacute thyroiditis in addition to the main symptoms is characterized by severe headaches, weight loss, weakness. Some patients suffer from heat and excessive sweating.
  2. Chronic autoimmune form of inflammation of the thyroid gland is accompanied by irritability and constant pain in the neck.
  3. With fibrous thyroiditis, patients often have a voice, a noise in the ears, and visual problems. Another characteristic symptom - vessels on the neck begin to pulsate so that it can be seen with the naked eye.
  4. An acute inflammation is characterized by an increase in lymph nodes . Severe pain in the neck disturbs every second patient. Very often the pain gives even to the nape of the neck and jaw. At the same time, head movements only aggravate the situation.

With timely treatment, the predictions for thyroiditis are often favorable. But it is important to understand that inflammation of the thyroid gland can have unpleasant consequences. If the disease is neglected, ulcers can form in the tissues of the thyroid gland, which tend to break. They are dangerous because they can burst into the pericardial space.