Grass feather grass

Few people know that the grass feather grass, which can be found as an ornament of the interior of the apartment, is endowed with curative and useful properties. Initially, this plant was used as a nutritious food for animals. Only recently grass feather grass has been used to treat severe ailments.

Grass feather grass for the treatment of various diseases

Grass feather grass is a medicinal plant that can be easily found not only in phyto-medicines, but also grown on site independently. The workpiece is produced in May or June, cutting off the ground part.

Its medicinal properties herb feather grass has become famous as an effective tool in the treatment of rheumatoid pain. To this end, prepare decoctions for compresses, which are applied to the sore spot. Preparation of the simplest recipe is in the following stages:

  1. Take the dry stems of grass feather grass.
  2. Put them in a metal container and pour boiling water (to enhance the effect can be poured boiling milk).
  3. Boil the grass over the grass for five minutes.
  4. Let it brew and strain.
  5. Apply compresses to the sore back or joint.

The healing properties of grass feather grass help people cope with goitre or thyroid problems. This will help daily acceptance of the present. Prepare it this way:

  1. Fill grass with feather grass fill with a pile of hot milk.
  2. Boil not more than three minutes.
  3. Put for half an hour in a dark place for infusion.
  4. Ready to take the infusion in small sips.

Also in folk medicine grass feather grass is used in case of a stroke , when the part of the body is paralyzed. The ground plant should be added to boiling milk and boiled for 10-15 minutes. Take the patient two tablespoons before meals.

Applying baths from broths of grass feather grass and horsetail, it is possible to cure adenoma of the prostate gland in men. The recipe is quite simple, but very effective:

  1. Dry grass stems feather grass and horsetail take in equal proportions.
  2. Pour two liters of boiling water.
  3. After an hour, pour the infusion into the pelvis.

It is desirable to take such a sedentary bath for the night.

Contraindications in the use of grass feather grass

The use of grass feather grass in folk medicine requires care and caution in an overdose. If you increase the dose, the useful component of triglochinine can secrete poisonous hydrocyanic acid.

Also it is worth considering that grass feather grass can not be used for people prone to allergic manifestations. In this case, it can cause not only coughing attacks, but also asthma.