Norwegian Railway Museum

The Norwegian National Railway Museum is dedicated to rail transport and the history of its appearance and development in Norway . It is located near the lake Myos , a couple of kilometers north of the city ​​of Hamar . The museum works under the patronage of the Norwegian National Railway Administration.

A bit of history

The chronology of the development of the museum is as follows:

  1. The railway museum was established in 1896. It is one of the oldest museums in Norway and one of the world's first railway museums. The initiators of its creation were former railway employees.
  2. Originally it was founded in the city of Hamar; The reason for choosing this particular place for the museum was the fact that the house of one of the locomotive manufacturers was located here.
  3. In 1954, the question arose about the expansion of the territory, and the museum moved to the lake Mjøsa.
  4. In 1980, the exhibition again "outgrew" the existing premises, and the Norwegian State Railways became the owner of another site, which allowed the museum to be expanded again.
  5. The next reconstruction was carried out in 2003.

Exposition of the museum

The museum collection began with photographs, illustrations and drawings, many of which date back to the end of the XIX century. Today the museum includes several halls, an open area, workshops, offices and a library. In the permanent exhibition, you can see only part of the collection.

So, what visitors will see in the museum:

  1. The main exposition is called "Journey". It includes a "city" with two stations and trains. Here you can get acquainted with working conditions during the construction of the railway, with the technologies applied, and also learn what it was like for travelers to use the railway at the very beginning of its existence, and what it was like to travel before the railway appeared in Norway. Here you can see wagons, locomotives, model railroad tracks, old tickets, photographs and even passenger mannequins.
  2. You can climb old locomotives to get an idea of ​​how they were ruled. The exposition (both in closed halls and on the site) presents:
  • Interactive exhibits . The new museum building, which operates in the summer, contains a variety of simulators available for visitors. In addition, here you can watch animated films devoted to the railway, and send a message with the help of Morse code from the office of the station's chief. It is interesting to try your hand at managing the movement of trains.
  • Narrow-gauge railway . Those who visit the museum in the summer, waiting for another bonus: they will be able to ride on the current narrow-gauge road that has been operating since 1962. And those who wish to have a bite can do it in this car-restaurant.
  • How to visit the Norwegian Railway Museum?

    From Oslo to Hamar, you can get there by car for 1 h. 40 minutes by E6 or for 2 hours 20 minutes by Rv4 and E6. The road from Hamar to the museum will take from up to 8 minutes; You can go by Nordvikvegen and Strandvegen either by Aslak Bolts Gate and Strandvegen, or by Aslak Bolts Gate and Kornsilovegen.

    Also there goes a train; The road from Oslo Central Station to Hamar stasjon takes 1 hour 16 minutes. After that it will be necessary to transfer to the bus at the station Hamar skysstasjon (you can get there from Hamar stasjon in about 5 minutes) and drive to EJ Berghs veg (it's 9 stops and about 10 minutes), which can be reached by foot in 10 minutes .

    The museum does not work on Mondays, as well as on important religious holidays and on New Year's Eve. The new building of the museum is open only in the summer.