Artichoke Extract

An exotic artichoke is a plant whose home is the Mediterranean. It is known about him for a long time, but a very long period of time, artichoke medications were available exclusively to rich people.

In the plant, the leaves possess all the useful properties, substances and minerals, which the medical science drew attention to. Artichoke leaves contain mineral salts, pectin, tannins, chlorogenic and coffee acids, cinnarin, potassium, phosphorus, iron, calcium, vitamins of groups A, B, C, various organic acids, enzymes, polysaccharides.

What is artichoke extract?

Active use is found in the extract of artichoke, and more specifically the extract of artichoke leaves (that is, a useful concentration of leaves containing the maximum of all medicinal substances). The use of artichoke extract is due precisely to the unique components available in the composition of this plant.

Forms of release

Artichoke preparations have three main forms of release and, accordingly, different methods of administration. In the pharmacy you can find an extract in the form of:

How to take artichoke extract?

Artichoke extract in capsules is used for 1 pc. 3 r / day for half an hour before meals. The course is 4 weeks.

Artichoke extract tablets take 2 pcs. 3 r / day before meals. Course - up to 20 days.

Liquid artichoke extract (most often the name "Artichoke bitter liquid extract") is applied inside by 1 table. spoon during eating or immediately after meals, if necessary, with water.

Contraindications for use

Contraindications for the use of artichoke extract include:

Do not recommend to apply the extract to children under the age of 12 years.

Among the side effects are allergic reactions and diarrhea.

When are artichoke extract used?

In general, the drug is used for hepatic diseases, as well as for diseases of the gallbladder. Tsinarin, contained in artichoke, has active antioxidant properties and binds independent radicals. Stimulating the liver, cinnarin removes from the composition of its tissues the products of its vital activity, has a diuretic effect, accelerates the extraction of excess fluid and harmful salts from the body.

Moreover, the extract of artichoke leaves is the strongest hepatoprotector. Protecting liver cells from toxins, removes slag and at a certain concentration of salts of heavy metals.

The entire composition of vitamins and minerals, as well as other previously listed nutrients, controls and normalizes the production and extraction of bile, improves the digestion of proteins and fats, prevents intestinal gas formation, and counteracts the development of chronic cholecystitis .

In addition to all of the above, the extract of artichoke leaves is recommended for treatment, as well as early prevention of diseases of the gastrointestinal system. The drug eliminates constipation, activating the functioning of the intestine. It is thanks to these properties that the artichoke extract is recommended in addition to therapeutic procedures for people with excess weight.

Artichoke extract is very active in mesotherapy in the fight against cellulite (the introduction of a special 2% liquid artichoke extract into problem areas with thin and short needles). Thanks to mesotherapy, all active and useful substances go right to their destination, enhancing their direct detoxification and lymph drainage action, removing fat decay products, cholesterol, and ketone bodies from the cells, preventing premature aging of the whole organism.

This remedy is also very useful in diabetes and gout due to its versatile action as a whole for the whole body.