Cucumber lotion

Many women do not limit their arsenal to struggle for beauty only by means of purchase. Many of them are difficult to choose not only because of questionable quality, but also because of the frequent cases of allergic reactions.

Natural cosmetics has several advantages over the one that manufacturers create:

Of the minuses of home cosmetics, there are two:

Next, let's look at the recipes for a cucumber lotion for the face, which is one of the most popular, universal and useful.

How to make a cucumber lotion?

Before you make a cucumber lotion, you need to determine your skin type, and depending on this, choose a suitable recipe.

Cucumber lotion for your own skin for dry skin type

Before preparing a cucumber lotion for dry skin , prepare:
  1. Rub on a small grater cucumber, and then boil the pulp in the milk for 10 minutes.
  2. After this, allow the product to cool, strain it, and the tonic will be ready for use.

Shelf life of the funds. This tonic is stored for only a few days, if it is kept in the refrigerator. Than fresh lotion, so it is more useful for the skin.

The effect of lotion. This lotion not only moisturizes and cleanses the skin, but also whitens. For sure, many know the main recipe for the beauty of Cleopatra - she daily took a milk bath, and the cucumber, as is known, contains vitamins and acids that rejuvenate the skin.

How to make a cucumber lotion at home for a fatty skin type?

For a fatty skin, you need a lotion with the following ingredients:

  1. Mix the ingredients and fill them with 2 cups of boiling water.
  2. Then cover with a lid and wrap with a towel.
  3. The lotion should be infused for 3 hours.
  4. After this, if there are inflammations on the skin, you can make a cucumber lotion from acne - in this case, add 1 tsp to the remedy. honey. If the skin without inflammations, honey is not required to add. The recipe is ready after being infused.

Shelf life of the funds. This lotion can be stored in a cool place for a week.

The effect of lotion. Lemon not only whitens the skin, but also narrows the pores due to the acids contained in it, and the cucumber smooths the skin and nourishes it with vitamins, eliminating flabbiness.

Cucumber lotion recipe for normal skin

To prepare a lotion for normal skin, the following ingredients are required:

  1. Pour the grated cucumber with hot green tea and let it brew for 3 hours.
  2. After that, strain the remedy, and the lotion is ready.

Shelf life of the funds. This lotion can be stored 10-15 days in a cool dark place.

The effect of lotion. Green tea, like cucumber, has a neutral effect on the skin, pulling it up and saturating with useful substances. Green tea contains caffeine in large quantities, and therefore it tones up the skin and improves water exchange.

The impact of cucumber lotion on the skin

Cucumber has several effects on the skin:

Application of cucumber lotion

Cucumber lotion should be used 2 times a day - in the morning and in the evening after a make-up remover. After lotion on the skin you need to apply moisturizing cream, corresponding to its type of fat.