Constant sore throat

Probably, there is not a single person who would not have a sore or sore throat at least once in his life. But what if the throat hurts constantly? What causes can provoke such a manifestation and how to treat it, we will understand further.

We find out the reasons

So, why does the throat constantly hurt? Perhaps this is a sign of an infectious disease that has passed into a chronic form. After getting into the body of viruses and bacteria, if you do not complete treatment or complete it completely, you can face such a problem as constant pain. As a rule, the throat is constantly sore due to the following infectious and non-infectious diseases:

The danger of a chronic illness is that often the throat constantly hurts only in the mornings, and in the afternoon the symptoms go away. This confuses the person, and he believes that his health is in order. But this is not so. With such an organism reaction, you should consult a therapist who will prescribe the proper treatment required in case the ailment acquires a complex chronic character.

If you constantly have a sore throat and runny nose, but there is no temperature and general malaise of the body, it is worth checking for allergic reactions. They can provoke particles of dust, wool, pollen of plants and even too dry air in the room.

Constantly sore throat - treatment

It is very important for the beginning to increase the body's resistance and increase immunity. For pain, the following recommendations are recommended:

  1. Rinse the sore throat with herbal infusions or special medical solutions.
  2. Do not use too cold, hot and sharp foods that can provoke pain and irritation.
  3. Humidify the air in the room.
  4. Eliminate sources of allergic reactions.
  5. Use special lollipops.

It helps to rinse the throat with a saline solution with a few drops of iodine, but do not use soda. It can lead to penetration of the infection deeper as a result of loosening of tissues.

If other symptoms and pain do not pass, then you should contact a specialist who can help diagnose the cause of the disease and send for the delivery of all necessary tests.