Who should not paint eggs for Easter?

Easter is the brightest and most joyful day of the year for Orthodox Christians. They always prepare for him in advance. Where there was a tradition to paint eggs for Easter , very few people know. According to the story, after the resurrection of Jesus Mary Magdalene went to the Roman emperor and, meeting with him, showed him the glad tidings. As a gift to him, she presented a chicken egg, which according to the law was to be donated by every indigent person who came to Caesar.

The Emperor, having laughed, expressed a desire to see evidence that Jesus was resurrected, specifying that he would believe in this miracle only when this egg turns red. Suddenly, the egg began to fill with a blood-red color. From that moment on, Christians have a tradition of painting eggs and presenting them to each other for Easter.

Who should not paint eggs - beliefs

Some superstitious people, usually the elderly, say that not everyone is allowed to paint eggs in the pre-Easter week. According to the old belief, you can not paint eggs for Easter for up to a year, if a grief happened in your family, and one of the relatives died. Must be observed a year of mourning for a loved one. And if you really do not want to back away from the Easter tradition, you need to paint eggs black. To this, any father will answer only one thing - all these are misconceptions of superstitious grandmothers. And if you want a year of grief, better lead a humble way of life, do not drink alcohol and do not blaspheme.

After all, for God there are no dead, he has all the living, the soul of man is immortal, only the flesh is mortal. The Feast of Christ's Resurrection is a symbol of unity with the deceased relatives, and a red egg signifies the rebirth of a new life and immortality. Suggestions to paint eggs black or not to paint at all - only pagan superstitions of people who do not understand the essence of Christian doctrine.

Who else should not paint eggs on a bright Easter holiday - these are women who have menstruation at the moment. According to the belief, such a woman is "unclean" for this period, she should not prepare meals for Easter, and in general it is better not to attend church these days. To which the priests answer that it is quite possible and even necessary. And "clean" must be, first of all, spiritually.

But if you are worried about this, you can entrust the process of coloring eggs to someone else from the family. Existing beliefs, who can not paint eggs on Easter, refer to pagan superstitions, believing people should not take them seriously.