Why does a white cat dream?

The white cat is a neutral way, but when studying the main story, you can find out what the dream prediction is. For a correct interpretation, it is not only necessary to take into account other trifles, but also draw a parallel with real life and current events.

Why does a white cat dream?

An animal of this color can be considered a symbol of deception and uncertainty. Dream interpretation recommends at this time be careful not to fall into the trap of enemies. If you keep a white cat on your hands - this is a warning that during this period you can be dragged into a dangerous or even criminal history. If you are not vigilant, then the consequences of what has happened will have to be felt for a long time.

To see a white cat in a dream and not touch it, then in real life you can avoid serious problems, all adversities will bypass you. For a woman, a dream in which a white cat drinks milk is a symbol of the fact that soon she will meet a good friend. If you see a large number of white animals that do not pay attention to you - this is a sign that you are surrounded by people who hide the true intentions and attitude towards you.

A dream in which a white cat wants to scratch, warns that soon you will have to defend yourself before the attacks of enemies and envious persons. If you beat an animal in night dreams, then in the future you expect strong disappointment, which will be associated with exposing the true intentions of a loved one. To hold a fluffy white kitten in his arms is a sign that all problems will end and a happy life will come.

Why dream of ironing white cats?

Such a dream is a symbol of the fact that during this period you may be betrayed or deceived by people from your environment. In addition, at this time, increased the risk of theft. Another similar dream will tell you that you should not wait for gratitude for the good deeds done and the help provided.